We try

To let her


Her frustrations.

We try

Not to

Belittle -

Minimise -

Make light of.

In the same way

We love

For her

To feel

Her joy -

Her delight.

And in

Allowing her

Her feelings,

We are reminded

To allow

Our own.

She is

Our greatest


This human

We have


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I am working on this with my own littles, too. Some days it's so hard, but I can see how my 5-year-old is already so much more brave and confident and assertive than I was able to be (not only at her age, but well beyond), and it's so worth it. Thank you for sharing.

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So lovely to hear this - our girl is 1 and half, and I'm looking forward to watching this evolution in her too.

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space. Good stuff to give. (& get)

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Beautiful ❤️

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Wonderful words and parenting. This is one of those "I wish I could go back" moments for me. I would do things so much differently with my youngest. Bravo.

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Thank you Karri 💜 Little by little, this is how we develop, one generation to the next.

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This is beautiful, Sarah! The space you give and the room to grow you are gifting your child will continue to shine in her as the years roll on. I love the ending,

"She is

Our greatest


This human

We have


Very lovdely. These are wisdom words of love, and I wish you all deepest blessings on your journey together.

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You Know

You don’t slouch; you take shorter steps

You know you are prettier when you smile

You know he’s only saying it because he likes you

You go to the dance because you were invited

You won’t say that you don’t want to, that you aren’t ready

You don’t let anyone know

You don’t tell a soul, after all

You must have done something, said something, looked some kind of way, the way you are *supposed* to look

You are an expert at looking this way

You listen and react the way you were taught

You are praised for this expertise, this gift

Of knowing how to make others comfortable

You don’t question this responsibility until slowly, gradually

A small part of you— the part that knew how to scream when you first drew breath—

Starts to whisper the beginnings of a question that becomes a kind of beckoning

Or maybe a reckoning

That still takes years, decades to decipher

But eventually is loud enough for to hear over the din of rules and manners and responsibilities

So that slowly, gradually,

You begin to learn how to feel.

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a whisper becomes a beckoning and a reckoning--hell yes!

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"The part that knew how to scream when you first drew breath"-- that line absolutely took me out. This is so powerful!

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Oooooooh Rachel, this lands deeply for me!! Beautiful and brutal - as Glennon Doyle says - BRUTIFUL! Well done.

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And thank you!

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Yes to all of it and especially this, "A small part of you— the part that knew how to scream when you first drew breath— Starts to whisper the beginnings of a question that becomes a kind of beckoning." We come into this life knowing how to feel and express. it is ironed out of us, then we need to let the fabric of our lives wrinkle again in the simple pleasure of feeling.

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Definitely both a beckoning and a reckoning, I think. This is so powerful.

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thank you for your clarity and courage.

phuq the rules and manners and responsibilities straight to hell.

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“a question that becomes a kind of beckoning

Or maybe a reckoning”


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((((slow clap)))) Amazing. This was outstanding.

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This is an incredible and beauitful poem, Rachel. LIke Kaitlin, I love these lines "Starts to whisper the beginnings of a question that becomes a kind of beckoning

Or maybe a reckoning."

Wow! Your poem and words are amazing and so insightful and perceptive. I venture that this poem is the product of someone who feels very deeply! Thank you for sharing!

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Thank you so much, Larry.

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You are welcome!

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"You're allowed to feel

what you feel."

But what if

what I feel

is nothing?

What if

what I feel

is everything?

What if this tension

tears me into tectonic plates,

an earthquake in my body- mind?

What then? Am I allowed to feel

the things that don't make sense to me

or you or them or anyone?

Am I allowed to rip apart

and break, destroy, and tremble?

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So good, yes. Thank you for sharing!

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Yes. And maybe (hopefully) you'll realise you are mighty, and you can handle it 💜

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Oh yes, especially the things that don't make sense!

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Oof. I know this tension well. Thank you for sharing.

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I really felt this one, Lisa. It speaks to my own experience so well.

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Yes! Everything and nothing. I have had a lot of that lately.

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I love this poem, Lisa! And your questions and your wonderings! These lines resonated so powerfully for me:

"What if this tension

tears me into tectonic plates,

an earthquake in my body- mind?

What then? Am I allowed to feel

the things that don't make sense to me

or you or them or anyone?

Am I allowed to rip apart

and break, destroy, and tremble?"

What a gift it is to read this splendid poem!

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Thanks so much!

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My un-pedicured toes notice the

changing seasons in details I would

other wise miss:

dewey grass

sticky popsicle puddles

hot asphault

fresh mulch

grimy pollen piles

newly dug soil.

What a gift to let my feet be free to feel.

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I love this imagery!

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Both feeling and grounding; two powerful gifts.

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I feel it

The heaviness,

The saddness

In my body

The weight of it

The shape of it.

I feel it

The lightness,

The brightness,

In my body.

The joy of it

The promise of hope.

I feel it

All the things,

All together,

All at once.


Hand in hand.

All together,

All a jumble,

A beautiful mess.

In my body

I feel it.

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Yes! Yes! Both and! Absolutely

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Hand in hand'


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My favourite part, too!

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Yes it is a beautiful, wonderful, innocent, crazy mess

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This is the second part of a two part poem I wrote last night that feels right for today's prompt:

I want to crash

into the cold ocean and gasp

as it catches my breath.

I want to feel the electric current

of my entire body

as I try to remember

how to breathe and how to swim.

I want the rush of waves

to shake my shoulders

and drown out the rest of the world.

I want to shiver and scream

and forget, for a moment,

that there was ever life before

this moment, and wonder

how there could ever be life after,

and then I want to walk,

with shaking legs, back

onto solid land.

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Being fully with the feeling of the moment, completely in it! Love it and love this, "and forget, for a moment, that there was ever life before this moment, and wonder how there could ever be life after."

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you captured such a particular feeling so beautifully. i will remember this one. Thank you!

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Wow. Powerful as always.

I can feel all of that.

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Oooh I love this. I feel more alive reading it.

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Your poem is the epitome of being in the moment, no before, no after, just now!

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I love this wonderful poem, A. And I want to walk with you right down to the seacoast here in New Hampshire and cheer as you dive in, or join the various circle of folks who are cold water dippers. And if I can't be there, to read about it again in some splendid poem you create so freely!

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I would love that dearly. You are already one of my biggest cheerleaders, and I'm so grateful.

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Our eyes are drawn eastward,

or maybe it’s hopeward,

looking with our hearts, too,

for some glimmer

or possibility onto which

we can hang our dreams.

On the face of it,

life seems to be losing,

as death taunts us

with its victories;

yet somewhere

deep in our bones,

a candle flickers

in the darkness,

beckoning us

toward each other,

if not tomorrow.

Squeeze our hand,

O holy one,

so that we have

an undeniably palpable sense

of your presence

in this storm,

and turn our focus toward

those who walk beside us,

so that we know

we’re not alone.

Thump, thump,

thump, thump;

help us feel the heartbeat.

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When I was still a Christian, one of the things that comforted me when I was anxious was to imagine God holding my hand, so this really spoke to that younger part of me. Thank you.

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'or maybe it's hopeward' 🥹💜

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Always, your poems speak to my soul. Thank you.

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Thank you.

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I was trained from a very young age

not to trust my feelings.

Told they weren’t right, too much,

that I was overly sensitive, defective.

I learned to tuck away, stuff down, relegate

them to the far corners of my being.

Logic as the linear mind became the

dominate force that ruled my life.

Overbearing, yes even tyrannical.

And I suffered.

With addiction.

With dysfunctional living.

With being someone I was not.

With seeking something outside myself

to fill this gabbing hole within.


Today my life journey is all about

reuniting with my cavernous belly

opening to my innocent heart, loving myself.

Feeling all the misplaced emotions.

the veiled, hidden and vanquished.

Reacquainting myself with my organic

and delicate sensitive nature.

Blossoming into my inborn instinctual

animal that I am, intuitive and connected.

Realizing that I don’t need to escape

nor transcend any feeling, it's a process.

They are all guests in my house and

have a place at my table.

I don’t need to identify with them,

only to have a conversation.

Over time I have come to recognize

my sensitivities have been

my superpower all along.

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So beautiful!

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Sensitive superheroes unite!!

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“Blossoming into my inborn instinctual

animal that I am, intuitive and connected.

Realizing that I don’t need to escape

nor transcend any feeling, it's a process.”

Both beautiful and brutal; brutiful.

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Love it, "brutiful"

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First person I heard use this word was Glennon Doyle.

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Amen - sounds like we grew up in the same home - yet we find the courage to keep journeying and reuniting with our inner selves ....

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I am still reclaiming and learning to appreciate my sensitivity too, and I love the calm but defiant nature of this, Julie. Beautiful.

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A. thanks for seeing both the calm and the defiant., That is how it felt when I wrote it.

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I found shalom

In my sadness

Who taught me to care for loss

I found shalom

In my anger

Who taught me to fight for justice

I found shalom

In my fear

Who taught me to listen to warning

I found shalom

In my joy

Who taught me to be fully here

I found shalom

In it all

When I learned how to feel it

Wholly, and holy

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"Wholly, and holy" - so beautiful.

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Yes, yes, yes! Our feelings teach us. "Wholly and holy"

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What lovely and calming words. I echo Larry's sentiment that it feels like a blessing.

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This is so beautiful, Alexandra. It is lyrical and so sweetly song like, reading like a prayer and blessing for the peace it surely brings. Shalom to you.

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The headshrinkers favorite probe


The Godfather of Soul's fervent retort.

two different paths to

the same cash cow.

Quite the word,

that "feel".

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Something happens perceived as threatening.

Emotion responds




Hopeless disappointment,

Gut wrenching grief.

I feel the fullness of it.

It hits me hard and consumes me.

Looking it square in the face, I will myself to say

“I see you (fear, grief, anxiety, disappointment….)”

I go with it far enough until I reach a safe distance,

Far enough that I understand it’s path,

Where it will take me.

I choose not to trust myself completely to it,

To go to the edge maybe, but not to yield to it fully.

I stop,

Take a step back in my mind,

Activate logic,

Get my bearings,

Take stock of the situation.

Is it true?

Should I be afraid?

Do I need to be in fight or flight mode?

Are things really that bad? or,

Is something from the past making it feel worse than it is?

Past experience turned something innocuous into terrifying trigger?

Or opening an old wound activating past trauma?

I B r e a t h e.


And out.


I shift my focus to something in the moment,

I pour myself a cup of tea, warm water steaming,

Feeling the hot cup in my hands,

spreading its warmth inside me,

I watch gossamer clouds flying across heavenly blue,

I feel the gift of soft fur and warm presence snuggled beside me,

I see the sun sparkling through the trees,

lighting up leaves,

captivating plays of light and shadow

I hear the laugh of a child,

The melody of birdsong, call and response,

I feel love in the hug from a dear one.

I feel the relief of a sweet breeze on my face,

And marvel at the shifting masterpiece of sunset watercolors painting across the previously gray and melancholy skies.

The shift in focus helps me realize in addition to the feeling that might carry me away,

I am also still able feel wonder at beauty,

Still feel the Gift of being alive.

I acknowledge the Truth of multifaceted feelings,

A Truth which tempers.

Life is rarely, if ever, just about feeling only one emotion.

When I feel overwhelmed by the emotion of the moment,

When I feel like my life is only all grief,

Or anxiety,

Or fear,

Or hopelessness,

I am denying the Truth of the spectrum of emotions which balance perspective,

Which allow Life to go on,

Even though maybe in only infinitesimally tiny steps.

My emotions are real and valid.

They can be protective,


I need to let them protect me.

I choose to feel them.

I do not want to deny them, but

When I am safe,

I seek to feel them take their place amongst the backdrop of the full rainbow of emotions

Allowing room for me to feel


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i never used to feel

now i feel everything

and i hate it


little oval bits of chalk of dust

took away the feel

from my mind

from my skin

from touch

from torture


it was blessed

and necessary

and stagnating


it froze me in time.

it gifted me time.


time to gather my defenses and shore up

the castle walls that were

crumbling frantically before my eyes


so in the cold i was biding my time and

gathering my strength.

Pouring it into hidden pools

deep, warm, and waiting.


Then I thawed.


now i’m defenseless

/but not entirely./


i feel everything.






/your skin upon my skin now is

a revelation

fizzing, bursting, bits of shivers

each hair standing up

at attention./


my mind is sore from

the use of muscles

that had atrophied and withered when i was



I run hot now.

In confrontations with myself

in the longing

in the despair

in the freedom that thrills my bones


i never used to feel

now i feel everything

and i don’t love it

But i am still here.


filling my cup from own wells.

training my mind in the warm sun.


maybe there will be a time again

to rest and recover and not feel

but it’s not right now.


Right now

i am growing.

i am pouring into myself and

i am pouring out to give.


what a gift.

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I FEEL you! Through it all, is it a gift!

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"What a gift" is true of this poem as well.

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the twinge in your gut:

a thorn snags on your new shirt

vines reach toward the rose

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"....Don't u know..."


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Beautiful words Kaitlin. I feel calmer…and taller from reading them 🤍

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I agree Ange - thank you for this permission to take up space Kaitlin 💜

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You feel that discomfort?

The mismatch between what you’re feeling and what you sense your duty to be?

The inner whisper that gets squashed by the louder voices of expectation?

The tug you’ve become an expert in overriding to keep the ‘peace?’

She’s a quiet wisdom.

She’s your ally, your advocate.

She won’t force herself into the arena.

But keep company with her and you’ll grow in familiarity with her and her faithfulness.

Trusting her is uncomfortable and might lead to disappointing others in the moment,

But she holds your long term good in her heart.

A space of safety to *feel*, without shame.

Every screamed and whispered syllable of your needs heard, acknowledged.

There is strength in sitting in the discomfort with her and leaning in to listen to her message.

The message that seeks to connect your body to your mind, reminding your soul of its worth.

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Ahhh discomfort and discontent, yes amazing allies. Leaning into HER message for there is amazing wisdom there.

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"Every screamed and whispered syllable" being heard just feels so loving to me (the whole poem does, though, really).

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love this- I really connect with your words

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I'm so glad. Thank you for your encouragement :)

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