You feel that discomfort?
The mismatch between what you’re feeling and what you sense your duty to be?
The inner whisper that gets squashed by the louder voices of expectation?
The tug you’ve become an expert in overriding to keep the ‘peace?’
She’s a quiet wisdom.
She’s your ally, your advocate.
She won’t force herself into the arena.
But keep company with her and you’ll grow in familiarity with her and her faithfulness.
Trusting her is uncomfortable and might lead to disappointing others in the moment,
But she holds your long term good in her heart.
A space of safety to *feel*, without shame.
Every screamed and whispered syllable of your needs heard, acknowledged.
There is strength in sitting in the discomfort with her and leaning in to listen to her message.
The message that seeks to connect your body to your mind, reminding your soul of its worth.
Ahhh discomfort and discontent, yes amazing allies. Leaning into HER message for there is amazing wisdom there.
"Every screamed and whispered syllable" being heard just feels so loving to me (the whole poem does, though, really).
love this- I really connect with your words
I'm so glad. Thank you for your encouragement :)
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You feel that discomfort?
The mismatch between what you’re feeling and what you sense your duty to be?
The inner whisper that gets squashed by the louder voices of expectation?
The tug you’ve become an expert in overriding to keep the ‘peace?’
She’s a quiet wisdom.
She’s your ally, your advocate.
She won’t force herself into the arena.
But keep company with her and you’ll grow in familiarity with her and her faithfulness.
Trusting her is uncomfortable and might lead to disappointing others in the moment,
But she holds your long term good in her heart.
A space of safety to *feel*, without shame.
Every screamed and whispered syllable of your needs heard, acknowledged.
There is strength in sitting in the discomfort with her and leaning in to listen to her message.
The message that seeks to connect your body to your mind, reminding your soul of its worth.
Ahhh discomfort and discontent, yes amazing allies. Leaning into HER message for there is amazing wisdom there.
"Every screamed and whispered syllable" being heard just feels so loving to me (the whole poem does, though, really).
love this- I really connect with your words
I'm so glad. Thank you for your encouragement :)