"I carved a gentle path" - I love this because we often associate human wildness to be intense and chaotic - yet when we humans remember we are nature, our wild takes on a gentle presence of primal awareness and rooted reciprocity. Lovely poem :-)
"The wisdom that we are a part of it all, and certainly not the center." Yes!
The whole poem is magnificent from start to finish. I love the depth and breadth of your contemplation, the diversity of the wisdom you cover, the attention to so many important and vivid details. Really really love this, thank you!
Thank you very much, Jillian, for your kind and gracious comment and affirmation. What a nice sentiment to offer. Thank you for reading! I enjoy reading your poetry and am having a great time partcipating each day!
You’re welcome! The pleasure is likewise mine. It’s wonderful to be in this space where we can share with and reflect to each other. Thanks for reading and subscribing, and your lovely spirit!
Last year, I committed myself to writing every day, which i desperately needed. This year, I committed to only writing on the days that the prompt really speaks to me. I feel like I was waiting for this one. Thank you again for creating this space!
Devoted to wild growth,
I stepped into the wilderness
of my understanding,
abandoning my comfortable biases
and the cookie-cutter conformity
I'd been taught to value.
I carved a gentle path -
at first, away from the
siren scream-filled monotonous chaos,
and then, toward
a peaceful clearing.
I put down roots,
and became
"I carved a gentle path" - I love this because we often associate human wildness to be intense and chaotic - yet when we humans remember we are nature, our wild takes on a gentle presence of primal awareness and rooted reciprocity. Lovely poem :-)
Thank you! That line felt important to me.
I really like this and the way you lead us on a journey to that way of being wilder. Thank you!
That's so kind, thank you!
You are welcome!
It is the wild in wilderness
which scares me
The unknown
The isolation
The loss of all that I thought was safe and comfortable
And yet..
Finding myself out there
- through no choice of my own -
I discover
an openness
a realm of possibility
a chance to grow again
even in a hard place.
In the Wilderness
a place void of
human civilization
filled with wild beasts
and wild flowers
as we travel deeper inward
we can become disoriented
especially where the paths
become less pronounced
we are lost
or are we?
taking a moment
to silence the
anxiety that wants
to spring forth from fear
we take this time to enjoy
clearing our minds
and the disorientation
something catches our attention
the birds chirping
or pecking on the wood
the rustle of grass and other greens
under the feet of
rabbits and squirrels
we discover that we are
in society of creation
where there is
life abundant
inviting us to join
to regain
our sense of connection
our true purpose
the voice of YHWH
of Jesus
of the Great Spirit
of consciousness
whatever our belief
calling to our souls
we can hear now
because the constructed world
has constricted us to
believing that concrete roads
filled with cars and trucks
always on the move is living
but now we realize
that the wilderness
is where life abounds
"society of creation" "wilderness is where life abounds" Wow!
Stunning poem, it was a pleasure to read you :)
Thank you very much
I love this prompt! Here is my try, written between two less than wilderness experiences this morning!
“Don’t get lost in the wilderness”
they said.
“Be sure you know how to get back.”
Some days I don’t want to “get back.”
I am grateful for each moment and movement
through these wilderness spaces,
Deep dark skies of tiny blinking stars,
A quiet that consumes and envelopes,
The sense that the world goes on forever,
across the multi-colored landscape.
the wisdom that we are a part of it all,
and certainly not the center.
The more challenging wilderness spaces
are ones of the heart and spirit,
more difficult to discern and determine,
where the next step should be, or
Should there be a next step?
I love the wilderness of bright blue sky and
scorching sunlight; and I need
the wilderness of fog and rain, cold and dark,
maps lost or stolen, water wasted,
pack too heavy to haul one more mile.
it is there, in that frightening abyss,
when my vision is restored.
"The wisdom that we are a part of it all, and certainly not the center." Yes!
The whole poem is magnificent from start to finish. I love the depth and breadth of your contemplation, the diversity of the wisdom you cover, the attention to so many important and vivid details. Really really love this, thank you!
Thank you very much, Jillian, for your kind and gracious comment and affirmation. What a nice sentiment to offer. Thank you for reading! I enjoy reading your poetry and am having a great time partcipating each day!
You’re welcome! The pleasure is likewise mine. It’s wonderful to be in this space where we can share with and reflect to each other. Thanks for reading and subscribing, and your lovely spirit!
wilderness wander
realms of possibility
its where we all live
Every day so far I’m like “I could write a haiku” and then I can’t think of anything, and then there you are with a beautiful haiku. I love it.
its my preferred form
these seventeen syllables
enough is enough
This comment made me smile very large. Very good.
where trees are tall
i am small
the moss is smaller still
i find my place
within this grace
as one of many and not the center
i can grow
the vast unknown
the silence
the strength of her presence envelopes me.
so tangible i burst with wonder
i am but a kernel, a seed, a spore
one small part of life
me among the many
at home
with kin
Fear was planted
Took root within our minds
Controlled, tamed and
Shamed, of human
Being in a body
Separate and
Severed us from spirit
Great wilderness
Remembers me
Akin, belonging, free
Last year, I committed myself to writing every day, which i desperately needed. This year, I committed to only writing on the days that the prompt really speaks to me. I feel like I was waiting for this one. Thank you again for creating this space!
So glad you're trusting yourself along the way!
What is your wilderness?
Is is overgrown and full of trees and unknowns?
Is is an endless desert as some picture Moses and the Israelites wandering for 40 years?
Is it a place
or a feeling?
Does is make you come ALIVE
or want to crawl into a shell?
How do we embrace the wilderness?
That which is both beyond and within.
The wild within us,
Seeks a place to roam,
A wilderness we long to see,
We can call home.
The quiet is not scary,
Away from cell service,
And people that make us wary,
And deadlines that make us nervous.
Seek it,
Embrace it,
Claim it,
Become it.
I suppose the beauty of wilderness
Is it happens without us
(It’s not always about us)
Oh yes!!
This is brilliant Alexandra!
Thank you!
There is a place
Up north in my state
A small cabin
In the woods
When I am there
I know who I am
I hear this Karen! May you spend many good moments there!
I dream I live
In the wilderness
A place that I may finally
A place in which to stop and
A place that will not be
Then I realize
This little piece of land
We have chosen to steward
Will slowly
Thank you for sharing these prompts. I’ve forgotten how good it feels to just write poems 💕
I echo that and love your wonderful poem!
Thank you 😊
You are welcome!
Thank you for this wonderful joy and discipline in the month of May.
In my aging world you are a beautiful ally.
My 7 year old (Vivienne’s) Wilderness poem:
Wilderness is wild
Wilderness is great
Wilderness can be any place
Only if it’s a wild one
There’s probably a lot of space to run and jump and play
I hope there is a lot of space so I can stay all day
The wilderness is beautiful
It’s full of sooo much luck and green for everyone to see