Today’s word is wilderness.
For those who like definitions, here are a few:
: a tract or region uncultivated and uninhabited by human beings
: an area essentially undisturbed by human activity together with its naturally developed life community
: an empty or pathless area or region
: a part of a garden devoted to wild growth
Where does a wilderness begin,
and where does it end?
It is a lot like you and me—
the lines at the edges of us blur,
and we accept that though we are different,
we are terribly alike,
though we are separate,
we belong to one another’s stories.
So it is with the wilderness—
a vastness that cannot be
understood or denied—
the wilderness, expanding
no matter how much we try to
constrict it,
enveloping all things no matter
how terrified we are of what we do not know
and cannot contain.
May we become like the wilderness.
May our way home show us
to the furthest borders of ourselves
and once there, far beyond,
to the unknown in one another.
Devoted to wild growth,
I stepped into the wilderness
of my understanding,
abandoning my comfortable biases
and the cookie-cutter conformity
I'd been taught to value.
I carved a gentle path -
at first, away from the
siren scream-filled monotonous chaos,
and then, toward
a peaceful clearing.
I put down roots,
and became
It is the wild in wilderness
which scares me
The unknown
The isolation
The loss of all that I thought was safe and comfortable
And yet..
Finding myself out there
- through no choice of my own -
I discover
an openness
a realm of possibility
a chance to grow again
even in a hard place.