Kaitlin, I was quite moved by the pictures, and then along came your poem. Love all the ways we can embrace and be embraced. Here is my short reflection/poem...


Sweet breezes, caress my heart

tender nudges, reminding me

of the song within my soul

that longs to be sung.

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beautiful, Julie!! So glad you're here

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Thank you for this invitation, Kaitlin.

Here's a go:

I am trying to keep

loving this world:

marigold, zinnia,

city breeze and

harvest dust gritty

on my eyes.

The hops vines entangle

themselves and each

other, embrace themselves,

and I keep wondering

what it feels like in my

achy body to love and

know I am loved back

just as strong--in a world

cracking apart some days

with its own collapse.

And also:

my son fell asleep last

night, beside me, for the

first time in years, and

his breath was steady

on my neck. His feet

were warm against my leg.

My sore bones sank

into something like quiet.

A dry leaf skidded beyond

the window in the breeze.

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This is so, so beautiful and tender. Thank you!

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What beautiful imagery! This really moved me.

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This is such a beautiful, visceral poem that I felt an ache in my own heart as I read it. Thank you for these exquisite words.

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Gather it in, everything

that you wish you could push away—

gather it in like the fruit of autumn

and hold it in a great round woven bowl:

the needle jabs and bloodwork,

the not-yets and the try-agains,

the early-morning appointments

and disappointments

and phone calls and blurry thoughts.

Gather it up:

these are yours.

You cannot forsake them.

Hold them close on your hip like a child;

you cannot put them down

so you might as well bring them in close

and embrace them.

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This brought tears to my eyes, thank you for sharing your heart with us

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Thank you for giving me the space to do so! Even in just a few words, I feel like it really helped me process some things.

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"Hold them close on your hip like a child" -- so beautiful and powerful. Thank your for sharing your poem.

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Thanks so much for reading!

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I am striving to embrace the realities of this season, yet

my arms cannot find a comfortable position in which

to hold it all.

Maybe because of the pain that is so cyclical,

these arms weary at the thought of extra weight.

Perhaps they have tired from being raised in praise

of a god that does not look like me.

They are also, always, partially full;

cradling the emotional well-being of two small humans,

hoping to have the space to show them the beauty and power

of a self-embrace.

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love this so much!! so glad you're here :):)

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So so grateful to be!!

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"my arms cannot find a comfortable position in which/to hold it all" really got me— I feel like you perfectly describe a feeling that I've had a hard time putting into words. Thank you for this!

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To be touched is to be overwhelmed

Sensations forced on me

Flooding my brain with unwanted signals

I become aware of every centimeter spaced between the fingers pressing on my back

Every woven cloth fiber that makes up the shirts on the touching bodies

Every bone under my hands

Every muscle pressed to my chest

Every second passing as I wonder

“Is this too long?

“Is it too tight?

“Am I conveying something beyond just hello?”

When a hand lands on my shoulder, I jump

When arms brush my own, I skitter away

There is safety in the open space around my body.

The transition came when the safety could be found in the open space around another’s body

And when it was conveyed that the length and pressure and existence of touch

Could simply


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Thank you so much for sharing

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I still remember hardly able to breathe when her hand brushed mine.

Thank you.

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40 years embracing work.

46 if you count the navy.

(yeah, thanks for my service).

what do I embrace now?

I don't like starting over.

my tools are rusty.

my skills fallow.

And I can't find my glasses.

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So glad you're here Chuck!

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I always love your words and images, Kaitlin. Thank you. And as a 51-year-old mother of 10-year-old twins, I know from transitions 😌

Embrace the unknown!

Move on!

No risk, no reward, right?

Easy to say, harder to trust

When life arrives in gusts of unknowns

Like tangled limbs of branches

That I struggle to hold

My arms unaccustomed to reaching

For something other than the steadfast

Presence of my partner

And my daughters’ gentle curling limbs

Light on my back

Their breath on my shoulder

When the world requires too much,

I remember their loving arms

That reassurance

Like a hand on the small of my back

That says, you’ve got this

And we’ve got you.

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yes yes, beautiful!

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Translated literally, I find,

"embrace" means "in arms,"

as you are held in mine,

and I can't help but think of how different

the world might be

if we just held each other more,

if we saw that as strength,


if "up in arms" meant something more

like being embraced.

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yes yes--and I love some translation in poems! :)

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So happy to have this reminder to write again - it is like my mind is just waiting for this chance!


I embrace how far I've come

I embrace the hope I have

I embrace the support I feel

I embrace the place I'm in

And as I look back

I give myself grace

to embrace

all that was

all that has gone

all that never can be

And feel the comfort

of the sparks of joy

in the unexpected moments

of connection

perhaps at a distance

but ever-present

the embrace

of love in all its forms

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so glad you're here! thank you

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As the ganglia uncouple

so does her embrace.

What was once





and cameraderie

all in one

is now

a rote motion.

But on a good day

for just a second

you can still

feel it.

And when you can't

I do what I can

to fill in the blanks.


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I am so moved by the concept of a tender transition... I find myself caught up in the middle of some upheaval right now, and the image of being tender through it as I try to find my feet is so comforting. Thank you.

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A perfect read on a beautiful Sunday! Thank you Kaitlin! A loving embrace to you, your beloveds and the world!

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I'm resigning my pastoral call this week because I'm on long term medical disability. Your timing? Perfect for my situation. Thank you.

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I'm so glad you're here, and I'm sending so much love and care your way in this big life transition. <3

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I'm so happy this poetry week is here! Thank you for these generative posts, and for this theme of tender transitions ❤️

My poem for tonight:

When darkness embraces the sky and

Moon embraces the dark, she shines

And I remember what it is

To exhale

Here, where mountain turns to valley,

I rest in the waning hours

And am held

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Thank you. Beautiful imagery. Takes me to where I want to be. Used to be.


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Departure gate: Your adventure is waiting

The path to solid foundation, holy be thy pain

Change the dynamic, embrace transformational alchemy

Speak out loud the prayers and incantations of dark release

This dream is no nightmare, solid footing is finally yours

Shadow embrace invites us to gaze at stars, born through the navel, no frivolity here

Heart stars shine through our being

The moon beckons us into the portal of death and transformation, shedding the foliage in the spiral of death/life/rebirth

Leaving behind last year, last month, last minute, presence is the gift of living

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I'm a day late, but so grateful for this creative cocoon as I am trying to transition back into a regular writing practice. Here's a try at embrace:

"What is holding you right now?"

Is a question I saw on someone's substack last week

Can't remember whose

And couldn't think what was holding me

So easy to imagine those stupid bootstraps just dangling rootless from the sky

But in truth I know I am held

When I think for a minute

About the warm earth

And the wise trees

And my children's laughter

And webs of kind, beautiful words from strangers.

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