So happy to have this reminder to write again - it is like my mind is just waiting for this chance!
I embrace how far I've come
I embrace the hope I have
I embrace the support I feel
I embrace the place I'm in
And as I look back
I give myself grace
to embrace
all that was
all that has gone
all that never can be
And feel the comfort
of the sparks of joy
in the unexpected moments
of connection
perhaps at a distance
but ever-present
the embrace
of love in all its forms
so glad you're here! thank you
So happy to have this reminder to write again - it is like my mind is just waiting for this chance!
I embrace how far I've come
I embrace the hope I have
I embrace the support I feel
I embrace the place I'm in
And as I look back
I give myself grace
to embrace
all that was
all that has gone
all that never can be
And feel the comfort
of the sparks of joy
in the unexpected moments
of connection
perhaps at a distance
but ever-present
the embrace
of love in all its forms
so glad you're here! thank you