I wonder what I believe

that I didn't know I do.

A sort of living belief,

I suppose, the way that my

lungs inflate because it knows

the air is good. How the first

stretch of morning is the same

gesture of embracing a

loved one in surprise, and how

the corners of my lips turn

without thinking when we see

another’s joy. Things the mind

forgets, the body believes.

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my goodness this is beautiful.

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The only belief I want to hold onto

Is the belief in the force of Love

That holds us all together and

Draws us out of separation

Back into healing and wholeness

When I believe this

I remember and feel

Throughout my whole being

That I am apart of this Love

That I am whole and apart of the whole

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Another really awesome writing. Thank you for sharing.

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lovely <3

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belief and play-doh rules:

red always yields red.

blue always blue.

a good mix is more appealing,



you can never go back.

and maybe that is best.

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Often, we envision the word “belief”

like a house—

austere architecture,

immaculately maintained lawns,

stiff chairs,

untouchable trinkets and decor.

Only, the root word for “belief,”

“to care,” is more like a garden—

attended to,

it is generative though not performative,


unfinished, trimmable, and expansible.

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There is a movie

A Christmas movie

And Christmas is a time that makes you believe.

There is a line

A line in that movie

“Seeing isn’t believing

Believing is


But I believe *because* I see.

I see

Trees and bright blooming flowers.

I see

The foam of ocean waves meeting the shore.

I see

Children playing and people loving.

I believe because I see

What leads me to believe

There is more out there I can’t see.

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Kaitlin, thank you so much for creating this space. My intention for 2022 was "write more poetry and listen to the plants" - the prompts you have offered have taken this to a deeper level. I've writing away, feeling so many feelings rise up and out, and since i'm doing all this outside - *listening* so much more. I am so grateful.

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I’m so glad! I’ve been so surprised at how much I needed this too

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I have deconstructed my entire belief system.

There were cracks in the foundation,

and I started to see it all crumbling.

I didn't build it myself,

but I allowed it to stand, despite the danger.

It took so long to see how dangerous it was,

even as it harmed me,

even as it harmed those around me.

It took so long to realize I was responsible,

even if I didn't build it myself,

even if I didn't mean any harm.

I am rebuilding now.



I am determined for this new structure to be

a soft place to land,

a sanctuary.

I don't think I will ever be done

adjusting the plans,

making space for everyone.

There are far more skilled builders than I,

but I am learning.

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I like to believe

that what I

believe to be true

has settled in my bones

but I am afraid

to make sure-

I would have to be broken


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was another sweaty garage hour

with my trainer and friend

I breathe and close my eyes,

push the bar up for

bench press

she spots me

we chat about hot topics


like they are dead lifts

spotting each other

with a weight of priority

on our friendship

we don't share belief


on all matters

45 pounds



we love each other

it wasn't always easy

curiosity and empathy

had to be secured

on the ends of the bar between us

with a clasp

now I understand more fully

that gold is in each of us

and cannot be seen as clearly

through the interwebs

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What I Believe



That words are not enough

And maps can only guide

That roads that hurt by being rough

Also teach us as a guide


That light still conquers dark

Through time as well as space

That fires start best with spark

And warm us as we search for grace

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This practice has been amazing for me— writing a poem first thing in the morning, and reading others’, is incredibly grounding. Here’s mine for today:


How do I hold you

without you transforming into something monstrous?

How do I cherish you

without you spreading through the well like strychnine?

You were my closest friend,

my only tenet of faith,

strong and secure,






Then like a tsunami you yielded

You wavered

You broke

You were assailed

You were touched

by something greater and wilder and more reckless than yourself:

a world destroyed and shattered in every possible way:


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I'm so glad the practice has been life-giving for you!

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I believe there is more to reality

Than the realist say there is

I know this because it was whispered to me

From mystery

And mystery is more real than

Anything we will ever know for sure

This I do believe, and I think you do too.

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belief beckons me.

also, belief eludes me.

belief is fluid.

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I remember one of my favorite professors talking about beliefs. Beliefs are like onions with core beliefs being deep down and hard to peel away. There are also surface level beliefs that get peeled away easily. Here is to the surface level beliefs.

They get peeled away easily but they can still be significant. Some times it may feel as though they go back and forth like a yoyo

I believe that the trauma of my past will haunt me forever.

I believe I can see the healing that I have been through.

I believe this dark night of the soul will never end.

I believe it should be dark KNIGHT of the soul because I am becoming a super hero.

I believe that I have no idea what I am doing putting words together and calling it poetry.

I believe that I am find my voice for the first time in my life from this experience.

The belief may yoyo to the bottom but it comes back up.

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A Thought

A Breath

A Hug

A new belief

Beyond belief


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Belief in God can change and evolve, even as it remains constant.

Belief in others can fade when they show us yet again who they are, or strengthen as they do the same.

Belief in ourselves can be the most difficult….who are we to inspire such love, such faith, such trust?

We are love. We are strength. We are hope. We are courage. We are change.

-Karri Temple Brackett

May 6, 2022


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