We are five days into these May Poetry Prompts—how’s it going? What does a poetry practice do for you? Do you notice anything?
In my life, poetry brings a slowness, a steadiness, a gentle ebb and flow to my days. I’ve really enjoyed writing, and your poems have been so beautiful! Thank you for the gift of allowing me to read your words.
Today’s prompt is belief and I thought just for the fun of it, I’d give you a few definitions of the word to get us going, and below, today’s poem is short and sweet, and I really enjoyed writing it.
1. a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing
2. something that is accepted, considered to be true, or held as an opinion : something believed
3: conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidence
can trick us
into believing
that the most important thing
has nothing
to do
with us.
I wonder what I believe
that I didn't know I do.
A sort of living belief,
I suppose, the way that my
lungs inflate because it knows
the air is good. How the first
stretch of morning is the same
gesture of embracing a
loved one in surprise, and how
the corners of my lips turn
without thinking when we see
another’s joy. Things the mind
forgets, the body believes.
The only belief I want to hold onto
Is the belief in the force of Love
That holds us all together and
Draws us out of separation
Back into healing and wholeness
When I believe this
I remember and feel
Throughout my whole being
That I am apart of this Love
That I am whole and apart of the whole