It the beckoning passion play our own to surrender to, navigate past, or even shy away from?
I have felt the call to peace since I was boy. It has evolved as I joined the Navy (win and we will have peace - how naive) then to seminary (peace with justice) then on ministry (reconciliation) and now taking upu cross and offering my brokenness as the way to be reconciled with Jesus, the Christ, and being vulnerable and forgiving to be reconciled with humanity.
Steven, the peace and justice work you have been and are doing is so important and makes a difference. Thank you for a life devoted to service and witness to a new day and way. God bless you.
Thank you. It all goes back to Pentecost and a church fire when I was a young boy, an experience I still don't fully understand, and a lot of childhood trauma and extraordinary life experiences. The Holy Spirit has been nudging me and moving me in other ways getting moving forward opening me to being transformed.
Blessed Pentecost to you, Steven. Our trauma and transforming events shape us so deeply, and leave their marks. I am grateful you are open and still openng to the work of the Spirit. Peace be with you.
The more I look around the more I see the violence and struggle to see the peace and even more the justice. But there are seeds of peace with justice, we just have to go out and tend them and not the violence.
That is a journey to make, Saoirse, to find our place, our star. From what I read in here and can glimpse of your spirit, it will sit in a place of right relationship and peace!
You perfectly position the support of the starlight in in your prayers and navigations. Tender and beautiful as ever, Larry, I am so grateful to read more and more of your wisdom each day :)
Here at home again after traveling for the past two weeks. It is nice dance with the word this morning.
Summer comes again to this northern coast.
Welcome back, old friend, it has been too long.
Tomorrow we remember the ones who died,
with no better sense of why than when the battles first came,
and bow to a pledge to have war no more.
Tonight, I sit under starlight sky,
half-moon playfully smiling its banana pose,
owls’ conversation a blend of wisdom and wariness,
coyotes howling to greet the whole night sky.
What will I bring to this beckoning passion play?
It is good to be home again,
after traveling under the starlight
of a different geospatial glow.
In this small corner of a fractured globe,
I pray for true peace in our lives.
It the beckoning passion play our own to surrender to, navigate past, or even shy away from?
I have felt the call to peace since I was boy. It has evolved as I joined the Navy (win and we will have peace - how naive) then to seminary (peace with justice) then on ministry (reconciliation) and now taking upu cross and offering my brokenness as the way to be reconciled with Jesus, the Christ, and being vulnerable and forgiving to be reconciled with humanity.
Steven, the peace and justice work you have been and are doing is so important and makes a difference. Thank you for a life devoted to service and witness to a new day and way. God bless you.
Thank you. It all goes back to Pentecost and a church fire when I was a young boy, an experience I still don't fully understand, and a lot of childhood trauma and extraordinary life experiences. The Holy Spirit has been nudging me and moving me in other ways getting moving forward opening me to being transformed.
Nudge nudge
wink wink
Blessed Pentecost to you, Steven. Our trauma and transforming events shape us so deeply, and leave their marks. I am grateful you are open and still openng to the work of the Spirit. Peace be with you.
And also with you, Larry
Still trying to get a handle on peace with justice, can't seem to snip away the word violence from it.
The more I look around the more I see the violence and struggle to see the peace and even more the justice. But there are seeds of peace with justice, we just have to go out and tend them and not the violence.
what a question: What will I bring to this beckoning passion play?
your prayer, at the end.
a question for all of us, in the end.
it has me wondering where my star might sit in this beckoning sky.
That is a journey to make, Saoirse, to find our place, our star. From what I read in here and can glimpse of your spirit, it will sit in a place of right relationship and peace!
You perfectly position the support of the starlight in in your prayers and navigations. Tender and beautiful as ever, Larry, I am so grateful to read more and more of your wisdom each day :)