Frustration. After losses and failures I've learned to sit, to breathe, to focus, to trust, to be thankful, and to just be Me. I am.
Today, I wrote this tribute to my Mom for the ALS Therapy Development Institute Tri-State bike trek that ends in Greenwich, Connecticut on June 23, 2022. The tribute will be included on one of the last mile marker signs for the trek as it wraps up in Greenwich.
Elaine Ruth Carroll Malloy was born in Greenwich's first hospital on Perryridge Road, the middle child with her older brother Richard and younger brother Wayne.
Elaine played the flute, taught music and reading, founded a traveling children's choir, enjoyed boating and loved eating lobster hot or cold.
Elaine loved all people. Her faith in Jesus was central in her life shared with her husband Alex, her children Becky and Rod, and in all her relationships.
Elaine was an award-winning primrose cultivator, her floral passions were dahlias and primula. She loved dogs and her favorite show dog was Marty, a black Labrador Retriever.
This practice has meant so much to me. I love writing poetry, but it often feels too overwhelming to begin. Having a narrow prompt(with so much flexibility at the same time) each day has given me that place to start. I've been surprised how easily some of these have flowed onto the paper, and I've been getting ideas for writing beyond the prompts again, which hasn't happened to me in a long time.
Reading everyone's work has given me fresh perspectives and has just been a beautiful moment to have each day. Some of them have touched me deeper than I would've expected, and I'm grateful.
I'm so glad it's felt gentle and invitational. That was my hope! And yes, it's been such a gift to read everyone's words. I look forward to them every day.
Beautiful wisdom in today’s poem! Writing a poem first thing in the morning, and reading others’, feels so cleansing. It feels amazing to create something first thing in the morning: very centering. Thank you for creating this space!
This poetry offering has been a gift! Although poetry is a healing release for me, I haven’t been able to access it in some really turbulent times lately. This has gently invited me back into the practice and it’s been beautiful! Grateful for you, Kaitlin and all the words shared by this community! 💜
Thanks Kaitlin for creating this beautiful little community around poetry for a month. For me it has been both grounding and challenging. And inspiring to read others poetic thoughts and feelings. Your poem today, for example, really speaks to where I have been the last few days. Thanks to everyone! Peace and all good!
I've loved doing poetry with everyone this month. It's been challenging and yet also, settling. I don't save the poems I've written anywhere on my computer--they're just on this platform. That feels right for a place called "The Liminality Journal". I appreciate you and this community.
Thank you for creating this space, Kaitlin. I am an 'occasional' poet who has phases of writing but had not written for ages. This simple act of writing something each day (even though I don't always post them) has encouraged me to write again and allowed me to see the issues, ideas and emotions that are trying to find expression in a new way. Thank you :)
Frustration couldn’t sleep
So it went for a walk
In the moonlight
Where soul had a conversation
With frustration.
Now there was a moonlight
Exhausted from their moonlight dance,
Frustration and soul
Finally embraced
And there was peace
Crayons in wall scribbler hands,
Take them away.
Guns in hate hands,
Frustration is a grace, a practice
space to fail without retreat.
I’m wary of a dancer with pretty feet.
I have these perfect standards for myself—
and why can I not live up to them?
It’s simple, really:
do everything perfectly, all the time.
Make the bed without wrinkles
Answer your emails
and make phone calls
without a knotted throat.
Be an effortless and available
while baking cakes for birthdays
and never say anything stupid
and never say anything you regret.
It’s the secret key to avoiding
Do everything perfectly, all the time.
Don’t you see how much better it’ll be?
Frustration. After losses and failures I've learned to sit, to breathe, to focus, to trust, to be thankful, and to just be Me. I am.
Today, I wrote this tribute to my Mom for the ALS Therapy Development Institute Tri-State bike trek that ends in Greenwich, Connecticut on June 23, 2022. The tribute will be included on one of the last mile marker signs for the trek as it wraps up in Greenwich.
Elaine Ruth Carroll Malloy was born in Greenwich's first hospital on Perryridge Road, the middle child with her older brother Richard and younger brother Wayne.
Elaine played the flute, taught music and reading, founded a traveling children's choir, enjoyed boating and loved eating lobster hot or cold.
Elaine loved all people. Her faith in Jesus was central in her life shared with her husband Alex, her children Becky and Rod, and in all her relationships.
Elaine was an award-winning primrose cultivator, her floral passions were dahlias and primula. She loved dogs and her favorite show dog was Marty, a black Labrador Retriever.
Thank you so much for sharing this tribute with us!
I felt the tug from the universe to share it with this group and on Twitter with families dealing with the symptoms of ALS disease. or cold......🙂
Lobster salad favorite just ahead of boiled lobster 🦞
It comes from
many sources
at the same time
feelings of
being stuck
to get
the universe
another person
or even
our own selves
and bodies
to submit
to our will.
deep down
what we seek
to be held
maybe our hair stroked
as we hear
"I've got you"
"it will be alright".
To reach this
moment and space
and have it
ahead of us
must be
a piece
of the kingdom
of heaven.
Kaitlin, I look forward to your poems and prompts every morning and then reading others poems throughout the day.
Some days, writing helped me center for the day
I'm so glad! Thanks for being here!
This practice has meant so much to me. I love writing poetry, but it often feels too overwhelming to begin. Having a narrow prompt(with so much flexibility at the same time) each day has given me that place to start. I've been surprised how easily some of these have flowed onto the paper, and I've been getting ideas for writing beyond the prompts again, which hasn't happened to me in a long time.
Reading everyone's work has given me fresh perspectives and has just been a beautiful moment to have each day. Some of them have touched me deeper than I would've expected, and I'm grateful.
I'm so glad it's felt gentle and invitational. That was my hope! And yes, it's been such a gift to read everyone's words. I look forward to them every day.
When I get curious
about my frustration
it always points to
an unmet need.
I'm learning to
uncover and name
my own needs,
to seek support,
and meet them.
It has brought me
so much peace.
It's no wonder, then,
that the world is
so frustrating,
and always at war.
There are so many
unmet needs,
even as many live
in overabundance.
yes! frustration points to an unmet need. I love this
When I try to control the things
I can’t control
When I try to hurry in the times
I need to be patient
When the plan I made is just not
The way life turns out
Deep breaths
Focus on the moment
The good in the little things
Frustration fades away
I know it’s human nature but I am so tired
That others are othering and sowing such fear
I know it’s this that leads to violence
Holding back my fear that maybe this time
The darkness has grown so strong that Light will be too weak
To bring us back again
“History is repeating itself!!!” I yell to the void
To the people who say “no”...
We deserve this
We are not dark
And therefore we are
thank you for this word.
Beautiful wisdom in today’s poem! Writing a poem first thing in the morning, and reading others’, feels so cleansing. It feels amazing to create something first thing in the morning: very centering. Thank you for creating this space!
Underneath frustration
I find disappointment
Behind disappointment
I discover a longing
Sitting with the longing
Tells me about a need
Or a dream
Opening my imagination
To explore this need
Or this dream
Releases my creativity
I wish this process is as easy
As writing it out
But may I always be attentive
to frustration
This poetry offering has been a gift! Although poetry is a healing release for me, I haven’t been able to access it in some really turbulent times lately. This has gently invited me back into the practice and it’s been beautiful! Grateful for you, Kaitlin and all the words shared by this community! 💜
I'm so glad!
I am loving this!!! I feel like it’s opened up a different side of me that I didn’t know existed!
I’ve been out of town for a few days celebrating my dads 94th birthday! I think it’s one of his best birthday celebrations!
Oh Gloria, that's lovely! I'm so glad you're here.
Thanks Kaitlin for creating this beautiful little community around poetry for a month. For me it has been both grounding and challenging. And inspiring to read others poetic thoughts and feelings. Your poem today, for example, really speaks to where I have been the last few days. Thanks to everyone! Peace and all good!
Thank you Steve! So glad you're here.
"...perhaps if I build up enough
fear and worry
the future will somehow
mold to avoid my
worst nightmares.
But that’s not how the world works."
This is me too.
I've loved doing poetry with everyone this month. It's been challenging and yet also, settling. I don't save the poems I've written anywhere on my computer--they're just on this platform. That feels right for a place called "The Liminality Journal". I appreciate you and this community.
I love that they only exist here and you're not saving them. Same for me!
Thank you for creating this space, Kaitlin. I am an 'occasional' poet who has phases of writing but had not written for ages. This simple act of writing something each day (even though I don't always post them) has encouraged me to write again and allowed me to see the issues, ideas and emotions that are trying to find expression in a new way. Thank you :)