We are about half way through the month of May, can you believe it?!
How are you doing?
Are you enjoying this space of poetry? I’d love to know if it’s speaking to you, grounding you, bringing you joy.
Today’s poetry prompt is the word frustration.
In frustration
I wondered what would happen
and how—
perhaps if I build up enough
fear and worry
the future will somehow
mold to avoid my
worst nightmares.
But that’s not how the world works.
So, I think through
those worst fears one by one,
but this time
I breathe through them.
I loosen the frustration from my shoulders
and my eyebrows
and my stomach-knots,
and I loosen my grip of control
on what could be.
Instead, the future simply is,
just as I simply am,
in this moment,
alive, settled to whatever may happen,
settled to myself and how I can
do my best,
and learn to love myself well
in the process.
When I remember that
I can handle the
ebbs and flows,
and surprises,
I relax into myself
and into that future,
prepared for whatever may be,
frustrations and all.
Frustration couldn’t sleep
So it went for a walk
In the moonlight
Where soul had a conversation
With frustration.
Now there was a moonlight
Exhausted from their moonlight dance,
Frustration and soul
Finally embraced
And there was peace
Crayons in wall scribbler hands,
Take them away.
Guns in hate hands,