I light candles every morning, there are several of them on my altar. Since I arise early, they dance in the dark and I dance with them. This is one of my favorite times of day.
I light candles every morning, there are several of them on my altar. Since I arise early, they dance in the dark and I dance with them. This is one of my favorite times of day.
I light candles every morning, there are several of them on my altar. Since I arise early, they dance in the dark and I dance with them. This is one of my favorite times of day.
Flickering candlelight draws me in
like the moth to the flame.
Mesmerizing me as a belly dancer
with undulating glimmers.
Waves of light breaking
upon my shores.
Whispers of ancient pasts
calling me to prayer.
Stillness resting against
this fluttering luminosity
casting shadows on the walls.
Thank you for this poem, Julie! I especially like the belly dancer and breaking waves imagery, there are so many things a candle can be
This is quite lovely, Julie. Beautiful evocative imagery and the entire poem has a true sense of light to it. Blessings to you!
Thanks Larry - Blessings to you too!
This is really, really good Julie
With those little finger cymbals