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thoughts on the in-between
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Hello friends,
We are halfway through our daily poetry writing as we settle into winter. What a sacred, lovely space it has been. What are you holding today? For those who celebrate Christmas, it’s Christmas Eve, and it’s the fourth day of Winter, as we continue to see the days slowly, very slowly, get longer again, as we settle into the cold and chill for a season.
Today’s word is light, because we recognize the darkness of winter often (even emotional darkness in a way) but we don’t often recognize the light of winter.
Lit Candles
Roaring fires
Quiet, gentle laughter
Holiday lights
Community and care
Mid-day walks to soak up the sunlight
Where do you find light, and where does it find you?
So, let’s write a poem about the light, to focus our energy on that particular gift of winter that we don’t often recognize.
Maybe you light a candle as you write this one, or bathe your face in sunlight for a moment or two.
Onward, to the light, friends.
A special tradition of the holiday season
is a drive through town to look at the lights
strung across rooftops, splayed over shrubs,
dripping from tree branches or adorning their wide trunks.
It’s a bit of the magic, remembering the lights,
remembering the light that still shows up when we forget.
I don’t like disparaging the dark, though historically I’ve
been quite afraid of a dark stroll in the woods
or an unlit old house.
But for now, there’s something special about
a winter sunrise, a drive through the neighborhood,
or a walk in the cold, wintry woods outside town.
The darkest night brought us winter
so that the light could stretch his arms a little wider,
minute by minute, day by day, to bring us through.
The light is a tether, a lifeline, every twinkling bulb
and every lit candle over a meal a reminder
that we are never truly alone, and that winter,
even on the most difficult days, even when it’s hard,
is actually our inner compass and wise guide.
If you haven’t already, please grab your copy of Winter’s Gifts, a perfect companion to your winter season.
Here’s a sweet blurb someone recently sent:
I hoped that even my children’s book could be read by anyone, and it means the world that people of many different ages are picking it up and finding solace and care in Dani’s story.
Happy Holidays, friends. May you find peace and tender care in one way or another in the coming days and weeks.
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By Kaitlin Curtice · Hundreds of paid subscribers
thoughts on the in-between
I light candles every morning, there are several of them on my altar. Since I arise early, they dance in the dark and I dance with them. This is one of my favorite times of day.
Flickering candlelight draws me in
like the moth to the flame.
Mesmerizing me as a belly dancer
with undulating glimmers.
Waves of light breaking
upon my shores.
Whispers of ancient pasts
calling me to prayer.
Stillness resting against
this fluttering luminosity
casting shadows on the walls.
"You can't have a light
without a dark to stick it in"
no heavy hitters.
not c.s.lewis.
or henri nouwen.
not MLK Jr, deepak, plath,
hendrix, joplin, lennon,
rumi or mr rogers.
not even buddha or jesus
get the profounding credit.
Remember the
"you can get anything you want
at Alice's restaurant" guy? Arlo?
Arlo Guthrie?
Who knew.