Happy Birthday Kaitlin! In honor of your special day, I made a donation to Native Women's Wilderness. It's a beautiful women-led organization, that "was created to bring Native women together to share our stories, support each other, and learn from one another as we endeavor to explore and celebrate the wilderness and our native lands." I thought that was something you would stand behind. Sending lots of love from CT. -

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Beloved Kaitlin, "May the deep peace of Christ be with you, the strong arms of God sustain you, and the power of the Holy Spirit strengthen you in every way."

Happy Birthday!

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Happy Birthday on this a suspicious day of the Autumnal Equinox! May you let fall away what is ready to go back to the earth to create something new. And May you enjoy the rebirth.


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Happy Birthday dear one!!

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Happy birthday! Thank you for this poem!

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Happy Birthday Kaitlin

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happy birthday!

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Welcoming spring in sub tropical Australia!

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