Kaitlin, happy anniversary! I am just loving reading all the wonderful things going on for you right now. And I hope your wrist continues to feel better through it all. I've been so overwhelmed by life lately, that I just this morning picked up my copy of your book to read for the first time. As I did, I realized it was the solstice! How perfect, and what a beautiful call to be fully present in this season. Thank you for your offerings that fuel so many of us in the most tender ways.

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I love Summer Magic. All the children have grown, but I still enjoy reading and re-reading a good picture book, especially one with such a poignant message and lovely language.

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Happy Anniversary and Happy Summer Solstice, Kaitlin. Today after work I shall sit with my copy of "Summer's Magic" and use it to cross the portal into a new season in a good way. Thank you for your words today which have been magical, powerful and very much needed.

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I loved Summer's Magic! Every child (and grown up) needs to read it :-)

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Happy anniversary and summer solstice! So glad to hear that your wrist is one the mend and you are able to write once again.

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I'm a few days late but happiest of anniversaries to you both!

I am in a major time of transition this summer into a new job - back into public education from being in the private sector in law for 7 years - a totally new opportunity presented itself and so here we go. But for the new few days I will just be sitting in the A/C trying to survive this heat! Summertime in the south.

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