Yes! What a comfort the seasons are. And thank you for sharing this wonderful solstice ritual.

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Happy Anniversary to you and Travis. Appreciate the ritual you have offered me to explore honoring the arrival of summer today, thank you. A quote from Hafiz to celebrate the 'ever/ always':

Sufi mystic Hafiz in the fourteenth century wrote:

Even after all this time

The sun never says to the earth,

'You owe me.'

Look what happens

With a love like that,

It lights up the whole sky

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Thank you for this writing and this beautiful ritual. It helps me to honor the passing of time and the thresholds we cross over, with seasons of earth and life. Thank you for creating such a healing space for so many! I love the photos, too--and thank you for wearing bike helmets!

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yes to AWE, ancient understandings—and contemporary scholarship as well. Am feeling very grateful to Dacher Keltner for his recent book Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life. Thank you, Kaitlin, for your voice in the world. For onward...

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Toxic cycles may stay the same, we can change our habits and make different choices. If I believed that there was nothing to be gained from moving forward and breaking the cycle of toxicity, I’d be stuck in abusive relationships, environments and situations.


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