I love this and needed it; especially after the week that passed, which was mentally and emotionally exhausting. I plan on joining this resolution offer. Thank you!
Excellent. Thank you.. learning to say no and not feel guilty is a biggie.To me the "just say no" really sprouted into a big green greedy not an option monster when it was attached to church crap. "The more church shit I do the better christian i am" idea combined with a church attitude that stood back and let you run with that til you crash and burn headfirst right into the ground was a very very big whack of a just say no lesson to learn, I feel worst about all the time being a "just say yes super Christian" took away from my kids. All they remember is dad always being at church. It was time NOT well spent.
I love this and needed it; especially after the week that passed, which was mentally and emotionally exhausting. I plan on joining this resolution offer. Thank you!
Excellent. Thank you.. learning to say no and not feel guilty is a biggie.To me the "just say no" really sprouted into a big green greedy not an option monster when it was attached to church crap. "The more church shit I do the better christian i am" idea combined with a church attitude that stood back and let you run with that til you crash and burn headfirst right into the ground was a very very big whack of a just say no lesson to learn, I feel worst about all the time being a "just say yes super Christian" took away from my kids. All they remember is dad always being at church. It was time NOT well spent.