Who or what am I really?

The body, the soul?

My mind or my heart?

Who was I sixty years ago,

forty, twenty, ten years ago?

Before I was born and

what about after I die?


Seems Shapeshifting

Is my modus operandi.

The once smooth skin

has wrinkles now.

Hair that was brown and straight

now curly and streaked with grey.

The vascular system once hidden

currently under translucent skin.


What about all the

microorganisms and bacteria

that live on and in this body.

Out numbering these human

cells by a factor of ten!

So, who or what am I really?

Am I a home, a factory, a mother?

A collaborative organization?


Where do I end and

where do you begin?

Maybe we are all one being

connected with deep roots

and mycelial threads.

A gigantic nervous system,

a network of living beings

in a multitude of forms.

So, what shall I be today?

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Beautiful! I feel like ‘What shall I be today?’ is one of the most joyful & open questions I’ve heard in a while! Thank you for it.

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I've been thinking about mycelium SO MUCH the past year! I love both the scope and intimacy that this poem has, zooming into the body and out to the world.

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This is very beautiful, Julie, and your questions resonate with me. I especially love the insight we are a "network of living beings in a multitude of forms."

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I am the one who bends

Around the rocks and rubble, strewn

Along my path

I rush

I slow

I overflow

I am the one who sinks

In the roots and riveluts, dripping

In the darkest caves

I fall

I slip

I support

I am the one who feels

Airflow and temperature shift

And adjust my form

I freeze

I steam

I refract

I am the one who cleanses

Darkness and dirt from the past

During sobs and storms alike

I rise

I fill

I release

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The masks I've discarded

Lay like breadcrumbs leading back

Through all the people I've pretended

And not pretended

to be - each girl a survivor,

Each face true to itself in the

Fast-shifting moments.

I stand solidly on the hill called

"Middle age," staring down my crone-hood with a giggle

And a wink,

Beckoning the girl child to come along,

Hold my hand. Here we go.

See? We were always here.

We never really changed,

We just kept shedding old skins

To become more ourself.

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Dive in.

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Truth that shifts shapes

white guy on a throne,

who's aged beard flows

into the clouds.

brown rebel, welcoming father,

and the conversation between them.

greening mother.

sparkles of love and creativity

inside each and every cell.

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Colors 🙂

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My body is

bodying today,

on the cusp

of some new



What if it all

worked out?

is a question

therapists ask

you to ask your


thoughts. Usually,

I think, these therapists,

full of great love

and wisdom though

they may be, have not

known daily pain

that shifts your



Three bluejays

keep playing in

the yard, cedar-

bound, noisy, and

a little rude. I'm told

they're not actually

blue, but shift to our

view of cerulean in

the light.


What to do with

this news, I don't

know, but I raise my

aching to the sky

just the same, and

stretch my

tightness under the

shifting clouds.

What if it all



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I think maybe

I have shifted my shape

to different roles

and others' expectations

so often

that now

I do not know

what shape I am

or even

what shape I want to be

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Mom was a Poe.

A Billie Ruth from Arkansas.

Always teasing us with her family tree.

but, a span of her history

always seemed

to fail the bloodline key.

So as fact slowly turns to fable.

And brings an end to our chore,

We hear, upon a midnight deary,

Quoth the Raven,


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That middle stanza, Kaitlin! Wow. Thank you.

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Years spent angry at myself

For not being of a standard shape

Constantly, all the time,

But rather changing, tide to tide.

Now I see that wish to be just like the standard

As a wish to be stagnant;

A manifestation of the pollution of my inner world

Which made me forget that inside there is a girl

Who wanted nothing more than to be like the wind

And to grow into a shapeshifting nature’s friend.

It took her 30+ years to realize

There is so much self-hate she internalized

And now the practice of self-loving

Means knowing there’ll always be new shapes to try on, to discover.

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That final stanza, Kaitlin!! What I didn't know I needed to hear today ❤️

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The last stanza hits so perfectly. Thank you for these words; they are an unexpected validation for a lot of what I've been walking through the past year. <3

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