Maybe I am disillusioned, remembering it wrong, and maybe probably definitely I am way behind and off your point of your post, kaitkin, and i apologize to you all for that, but as I wander thru these posted steps, my head keeps drifting back to growing up in church (does anybody else remember times like this?) with the mindset that when …
Maybe I am disillusioned, remembering it wrong, and maybe probably definitely I am way behind and off your point of your post, kaitkin, and i apologize to you all for that, but as I wander thru these posted steps, my head keeps drifting back to growing up in church (does anybody else remember times like this?) with the mindset that when we came to church, we slide the bullshit that separates us out of the way and focus on the thing we had in common, the thing, the function, that god drew us all to church for, that being the desire to come into gods house to recieve gods word and do gods work. Not to arrogantly drag out our differences into the spotlight and beat the living shit out of each other with them. Not sure what happened.
Maybe I am disillusioned, remembering it wrong, and maybe probably definitely I am way behind and off your point of your post, kaitkin, and i apologize to you all for that, but as I wander thru these posted steps, my head keeps drifting back to growing up in church (does anybody else remember times like this?) with the mindset that when we came to church, we slide the bullshit that separates us out of the way and focus on the thing we had in common, the thing, the function, that god drew us all to church for, that being the desire to come into gods house to recieve gods word and do gods work. Not to arrogantly drag out our differences into the spotlight and beat the living shit out of each other with them. Not sure what happened.
But, I dont think thats what he had in mind.
Jus' sayin'.