To protect my energy, I've stopped watching the news completely. It drains, angers, and frustrates me. I am working on focusing my time, financial giving, and presence on my local community. Connecting with people--truly learning to listen and to love those around me, has connected me with ways to help others in ways I've always wanted to. We all have stories. Sometimes we just need someone to sit and listen. I just started therapy as well (IFS methodology) and it has been amazing.
Thanks so much for this, Kaitlin. I am working right now on control, so this came to me at just the right time. I especially appreciate this wisdom: “we belong to one another’s human experiences because of this lack of control.” I had never thought of it this way before. I’ll be reflecting on that this week. Thank you.
To protect my energy, I've stopped watching the news completely. It drains, angers, and frustrates me. I am working on focusing my time, financial giving, and presence on my local community. Connecting with people--truly learning to listen and to love those around me, has connected me with ways to help others in ways I've always wanted to. We all have stories. Sometimes we just need someone to sit and listen. I just started therapy as well (IFS methodology) and it has been amazing.
Thanks so much for this, Kaitlin. I am working right now on control, so this came to me at just the right time. I especially appreciate this wisdom: “we belong to one another’s human experiences because of this lack of control.” I had never thought of it this way before. I’ll be reflecting on that this week. Thank you.