“Silence is an ocean. Speech is a river. When the ocean is searching for you, don't walk into the river. Listen to the ocean.”


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Oh I love this, thank you!

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Thank you again, Kaitlin, for being a voice, word and wordless, that brings me to the Water’s Edge where wisdom, beauty, balance and love appear more clearly. Your writing helped me get through the arduous times of the pandemic, and you are doing the same in leading through whatever these times will come to be called. 🙏🏻

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I’m so grateful you’re here ♥️

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So looking forward to having the opportunity to meet at the water's edge with you on this exciting journey to Iona and for the launch of your book! What a perfect place to share Everything Is a Story in this place where literally everything IS a story.

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Wow! I received your message as I try to do a little tapestry weaving of being on the water’s edge. Your words are calling me as I’ve been thinking a lot about being quiet and listening.

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Beautiful! Hope you have space to do what you love!

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I really appreciate this as there is such a push to contribute to the conversation and that seems to result in perfunctory sharing/writing. I don’t want that either and it’s reminding me of being called in. I heard this term in a spiritual direction workshop recently where the speaker remarked that they were not called out for being wrong, but called in with generosity and care. We need more calling in, don’t we?

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Yes, I think this is so important. Thank you for sharing

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Such good medicine. Thank you.

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Thank you for sharing this vision. I’ve been feeling that saturation too (an interesting water metaphor!) and the need to be still and listening near the water, but not soaking in the toxic sludge. Standing with you at this quiet edge.

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Oh my gosh that pilgrimage to Iona sounds AMAZING!

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I forget the 'Spirit' is at work in strange and unexpected places...as always. Richard Rohr and you are on the same energy wave this week. He just quoted from Pixie Lighthorse, an enrolled member of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma: "Lighthorse prompts us to reflect on the grief we may be experiencing today: 'Our feelings are our inner waters, and to Indigenous peoples, water is our First Medicine.' How very true. The first birth I witnessed as an aid in a local hospital for the summer, while training to be an RN, the night nurse took me underwing and I participated in things that would not have happened in training. As I watched that birth...the amniotic fluid providing the waves for riding into another world outside the womb...I remember thinking: "water of life"..."water of life". And that washed over me for days. As I progressed in my journey the symbolism of water became more powerful and significant. "There is a Balm in Gilead"...had images of water for me. Tears I cried as I healed from childhood abuse, was healing water from my soul. I will be at the edge of the water with you. This time letting the silence wash over me, like the waterfall bringing sustenance to the desert arroyo. Silence to find my bearings in a world I didn't expect. I will meet you at the water's edge...for there is a cleansing I need. I will meet you at the water edge, for I need to stop pushing/ providing and 'BE' and let the water bring forth what I need to hear.

I can't thank you enough for this grounding authentic piece of writing that brought me back around to a 'familiar needed place of rebirth/ new birth'.

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Meeting at three water’s edge holding space in the silence.

This post was the first thing I saw this morning and I immediately knew it was what I needed to read. Thank you for the stillness in the over saturated of the moment.

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Water has always calmed me. In turbulent times of early motherhood, I would drive an hour, just to sit beside the water for an hour. I got out there today. Thanks for your encouragement.

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Loved this so much. Water's edge - what a beautiful invitation. Thank you. I just finally posted after a long break and how perfect to read this about how we can actively stop adding to the noise. I'd been feeling something similar. That posting just to keep to a schedule, the pressure that comes with that but also the excess, isn't something I want to do. This is so on point. "I will write to you when I have something I need to say, something that’s been sitting in me for a least a few days, working its way through me."

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