May 4, 2022·edited May 4, 2022Liked by Kaitlin Curtice

Another blown out diaper filled me with dread

as I unsnapped all the buttons on your onesie,

untidy in my hope you would not hear the water

filling the stand-alone tub. Into the baby pink plastic

I tipped a whole travel bottle of soap I snatched

from the hospital before we packed up for home.

You- shrieking as the lukewarm bubbles hit your skin,

arching from the water like a trout trying to swim upstream.

Me- crying as I tried to scrub the mess off your skin,

like a child who now has a child, sleepless as the sea.

I wrapped you up in a towel and crawled over

to lean against the wall and placed your hiccuping

body against mine, both of us easing our breaths

by breathing in the shared aroma of each other-

my cheek resting in your hair,

your palm against my rib cage.

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Nothing like new baby smell!

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Lilac blossoms


Zach’s shirt after a clean sweat

Petunias nodding in the sunshine

Lysol (the smell of death)

The inside of my nose

Fresh-ground coffee in the morning

Clothes that’ve been worn once too many:

The aromas that make up

the continual prayer of life.

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Aroma makes me think of sacrifice.

I wish it didn't

but the Old Testament verbiage is engrained in me.

"A pleasing aroma to God."

What does that even mean?

Can God smell my sweat?

Can God smell my tears?

Can he be in the kitchen as I cook my way through abused theology?

If smells contain our earliest memories

I remember shame.

I remember the wrinkled noses at my ways of being a woman.

I am in the kitchen to reclaim aroma.

I am in the kitchen to heal.

The kitchen should never divide genders

but bring together our need for food.

At the table we are equal in our need

for sustenance.

Instead of sacrifice,

may God smell the aroma

of justice

as we gather at the table.

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Thanks for this ♥️

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You are more than welcome. 💛

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I understand this. Thank you.

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Thank you, Diane. You are welcome.

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Wrinkled hands fly across the counter

Shaping forming crust and lemon

Mixed with strong arms

White crowned fluff on top

And then she careful opens hot oven

Leaning back and gently sliding birthday beauty in

Still can see her standing back hands on hips

Smiling satisfied as slowly pie aroma

Fills each corner of the house

With love.

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May 4, 2022Liked by Kaitlin Curtice

I've been visited by their scent before when I was alone in a room not a bloom in sight

nor any other explanation

Some say that was the love of an angel

or an ancestor

encouraging me when I was tired, lonely or maybe just doing laundry

also when I rush-brush by them on the front walk

haughty pink, scarlet and my favorite one

with sunset in the center

they bear the aroma of Queens

and the thorny vine attempting to choke my roses out

will not be tolerated-

no weeds allowed to grow among them, awaiting some Greater day when all shall be made right

Not with these.

Our apocalypse has already come.

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May 4, 2022Liked by Kaitlin Curtice


When I smell cookies baking

When I’m preparing a meal for the family

And they say “something smells so good”

Sautéing garlic in butter, my favorite

Such an aroma of love

Memories are remembered

And hopefully brings us to love

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Garlic and butter YESSS

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May 4, 2022Liked by Kaitlin Curtice

They say much of our memory is rooted in our sense of smell.

That's why certain aromas can transport us to a different place and time,

like how banana bread brings me to my childhood home, baking with my mother;

lavender and rose bring me to my aunt's home, my second mom;

lilac brings me to my first home, where we lived when my firstborn came earth-side, where so much of her - our - growing happened.

Aroma is a conduit for memory, love, life;

a connection to the past, grounding in the present, and a future window to some of our most important moments.

It's no wonder that candles, flowers, herbs, and spices are used for spells;

aroma is magic.

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Aroma is magic. yes!

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May 4, 2022Liked by Kaitlin Curtice






.a rat.






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May 4, 2022Liked by Kaitlin Curtice

What’s that cookin?

Oh, nothing much,

Just the aroma of love!!!!😃🤣😌😗😗😜😆

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Love this!!!

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May 4, 2022Liked by Kaitlin Curtice


In that instant

taken to the past

to Grandma's

with hot apple dumplings and a hint of cinnamon

to an amazing sunset in Key West

the fresh beach air with a scent of the sea

to angles and dangles on the sub

with the chemical smell of diethylamine

that scrubs the CO2 from the air

to the peace of Christmas Eve worship

candles burning throughout the sanctuary

to the Jordanian restaurant with the bumper cars

thanks to middle Eastern flowers and spices

Open the door to memories locked away

Where does aroma take you?

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May 5, 2022Liked by Kaitlin Curtice

Babies are born with two strong senses,

Smelling & listening

My newborn knew my voice, my smell, a homecoming

How marvelous that the aroma of an areola is amniotic fluid

The waters that kept them, fed them, held them

Two intertwining humans

Latched in love, and lineage

My infants' head, the scent of sweetness I will never forget

My body, a fountain of nourishment

A safe place for returning

Again & again.

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The crab is peeling my shell, and the notebook is writing about me.

I fell all over the sky on the snowflakes.

And you miss me

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May 5, 2022Liked by Kaitlin Curtice

Spice rising from the dirt

Aroma rising from the spice

Entering into our nostrils

And returning us to the dirt

Which is our bodies

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Coffee brewing in the morning after a hard night at work

Lavender (like she grew)

The lobby of every VA hospital

Newborn baby hair on the second day of life

My wife’s neck

Perfume, a gift to a broken student

Wounds with pseudomonas (once you learn it, you’ll never miss it)

Crisp mornings of first snow

Good wine

Rocks after a rain

Star jasmine on a morning walk


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Lovely. ♥️👏🏼

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May 5, 2022Liked by Kaitlin Curtice


Scent stores memories

Thank you limbic system

With one deep inhale I can be transported

Back through time

To the back patio of my grandma’s

To the slum in Zambia

To that small Episcopal church

To a barn full of books

Stronger than any picture in my mind

Any voice in my ear

Any taste in my mouth

So when you see my suddenly stop in my tracks

I’m okay

I’m just


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Any chance you will compiles all of this month's poems into a book or collection?

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I'd certainly love to do that! I'll look into it.

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I'd buy it! As it is I am saving these everyday and going to print them out. I am a better poetry reader than poetry writer. I write mostly long rambling blog posts ;)

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Good idea!

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