Blessed is the bloom

Who knew what it meant to lie dormant

That prospers at the proper time

Who embraces rest not as status

But as state of being

Who accepts the gentleness of rain

Even on days when hope is scarce

And proof of growth is sparse

Who trusts the seed to sprout anyway

Blessed are we who don't rush our flourishing

Or softening,

Who when weary need

Sunshine & water & patience,

A salvation indeed

To learn the way of flowers

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Embraces rest not as status yess 👏🏼👏🏼

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Dandelion’s toothy petals

dance beside the violets

and the tiny blue Veronicas—

a riot of spring,

sprinkled with redbud petals.

But how do I get lost

in the revelry

when my insides feel like dust?

How do I drift along the blooms like a honeybee

when the cares of a whole globe

tear at my throat?

Teach me your ways, first flowers of spring:

teach me to open myself

again and again and again and again.

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when I miscarried,

Nadia Bloom had just been located in a Florida swamp alive

she'd wandered off

seeking plants to photograph

green fronds and saw palmetto amongst boggy marsh and mosquitos

an artist's adventure

I didn't know her

but I could feel her naive curiosity like a fact

like the temperature

she wasn't afraid

my little lost package was named Nadia

and I invited the pain of cramps so I could cry

trillium marks the place we remember her in the mountain woods amongst tangled roots

three white petals pointing to the corners of the earth

shining like a star in the wilderness

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Thank you for sharing so beautifully and poignantly!

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Thank you for sharing

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This one made me cry— so beautiful.

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Thank you Lisa!

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Bushwacking through the forest

A rock was inviting as a place to rest

Ah, to relax and breathe in the forest,

And, surprise, to see a first flower of Spring

Very likely no human would have

Ever seen this flower

No matter, it blooms because

It blooms

May we humans be so natural

May we too bloom because we bloom

Because of the divine blessing,

The divine calling

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Things outside are growing.

There are fresh leaves on the trees,

and the grass is green again,

and the daffodils and dandelions have sprouted.

Things inside are growing.

There are new teeth in the mouth of my infant,

and new words in the mouth of my toddler,

and a sweet bond between them has sprouted.

I am growing, too.

There are new connections in my mind,

and I have energy again,

and a new confidence has sprouted.

Life is cyclical.

Some of the sweetest things

come from the mouths of babes,

and new parts of us are always sprouting.

Every day is a chance to bloom.

We are all growing into ourselves.

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Beware the dust of a yellow breeze,

flying free from the top of pine trees,

what was unassuming

now seems to be blooming,

but how darling you sound when you sneeze!

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No one takes a picture of the roots

Or the stem

Or the leaves

Or the thorns

Sometimes the buds

But always the bloom

Never realizing

that without the roots

We’d never have the bloom

Stability (hidden or not)

Provides great beauty

For all of Us

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some short and quick, some can't breathe, some never had a chance, and some begin something big.

...gospel stuff, I guess.

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I see you

over there, patient and,

by all appearances still.

But you, dearest.

You are grounded, roots dug deep.

You are strong, stalk steady and true.

You are diligent, foliage doing the hard work of providing.

You are already a wonder.


And then.


In a moment of radiance and vulnerability,

you make your identity known.


We see the fullness

of who and what you are.

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The arrival

The opening

After the waiting

Long patient

Dark waiting

The flower

The hope

The life

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I wonder if I can allow myself to bloom

as opposed to working so hard to bloom

As the flowers bloom all around me

it appears an easeful transition for them

One in alignment with their soul’s purpose and the expansive universe

Their whole being seems to know

fully who they are and how to bloom

They receive the gifts offered to them

to bloom into their most radiant being

I wonder if I can learn to be still enough

to be wholly aligned with my soul

To receive the gifts of interdependence

that will support my blooming

And then offer my own gifts back

into the web of relationships

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May 6, 2022
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Thank you, Sarah 💜

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Like an expectant mother, I sit beside my potted amaryllis.

With a sense of expectation, I wonder what awaits.

In silence, with daily watering, life begins to emerge...

First the leaves, then the stem, and finally the buds.

I am filled with awe as I witness my flower blooming....

In all its scarlet beauty, it boldly proclaims the I AM .

It invites me to journey...to be like a bulb in darkness,

Relying on sun and water.... hoping I will get the nourishment I need.

One day, will I be as strong as the stem, enabling me to stand proudly?

Will I have the courage to undergo the transformation that starts deep within?

Will I both humbly and proudly acknowledge my own blooming - the beauty of my creation, the gift that shares life and joy with others?

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We wait and watch

then a sign

a sprout

a bud

getting close

any day now






simply incredible

The flower

and the person


in a similar way

let's watch in amazement

for both

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Sometimes i imagine seeds

Buried in the cold ground out of sight

Full of potential but so dry and dead

I wonder how it would feel…

I feel how it would feel

Dryness welcoming water

Dark welcoming light

Stillness welcoming movement

Stirring deep inside

That first bit of life poking out

Pushing up through earth and down deeper to root

Slowly slowly growing

A stalk breaking into bright light going higher and higher to its designated place

And then changing form right there…popping out into all its destined glory and beauty

Death to life, seed to bloom

What a journey

Mustn’t give up.

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......full of potential but so dry and dead...

....(woof) ....

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The birds are astounding

And tried (twice) to build nests in the truck

Which we hired to help

To pack all the things of your life


Tomorrow we will take the roses

Only six months dried and pressed (at your request)

from her funeral

to add to your ashes in her grave


The apple tree is shedding white petals like snow

On the porch where your presence is smiling

And there is a symphony of song

As we move on both with

And without you

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Love your poem. Patience. Generosity.

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