Sacred is the stars

And the fingertips that reach out

Trying to hold them

Peering up, whispering

“Do I matter?”

Sacred is the Space

That exists outside measures

Where They whisper back

Speaking gently to the stars

And the fingertips grasping

“Yes. Because you are.”

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It was a sacred rain

I walked through

Even though I was

Getting wet and cold

It was a sacred rain

But not for the homeless

Or the hopeless

Just wet and dreary.

It was a sacred rain

It came from the source

Of all being

And it was necessary

For there to be life

At the bus stop someone

Shared their umbrella

With a stranger.

In the sacred rain

There was a sacred space

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oxford sez connected with god.


i am sacred.

sacred is me.

(and two letters from scared)

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Waking up in a home with all your loved ones still asleep

Waking up in a home with all your loved ones

Waking up in a home

Waking up


Loved ones


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Sacred is found in the imperfect messy moments as well as the still moments. It’s found in the quiver of lonely lips as they try to find find words to express the unexpressable. The sacred is found in the human spirit that does not quit its search for the shimmers of grace in the midst of terror. Sacred is the longing of our souls that eventually turns holy If only we persist.

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“This is Holy Ground, so come and bow down” the lyric says


This space is no longer sacred for me

But I once thought it was

‘Holy Ground’ is no longer the carpeted space during the Altar Call

‘Holy Ground’ is no longer the ‘prayer closet’

All I know is that the closest I feel to Creator is no longer at an address on Main Street

But in the woods,

by the river,

in the open field with the endless sky

The Earth—she’s sacred to me now

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Sacred: an acrostic







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Sacred is meeting God in a gentle breeze

Sacred is knowing we stand on holy ground

Sacred is breathing in the air of our ancestors

Sacred is holding the hand of a child as we walk together

Sacred is the embrace of a love and the hug of a good friend

Sacred is the puppy wagging its tail with delight in seeing us

Sacred is the kitten purring in our lap

Sacred are the flowers that return each spring

Sacred is the circle of friends who challenge us to grow

Sacred are our brothers and sisters different from ourselves, who have so much wisdom to offer us

Sacred am I, with the breath of God within me

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Feel the Sacred Earth beneath your feet

You are held tenderly


See the Sacred wind rustle the leaves

This is the life force


Taste the Sacred water moisten your lips

Replenishing your flow


Smell the Sacred fire warming your skin

Reigniting your creativity


Hear the whispers of your Sacred soul

Aligning with the pulse of the Universe

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God touches with grace

I cared for him

not just because he was my grandfather

or because he made me power-of-attorney over my mother and her siblings

or because he was the adult male figure in my life

But because we had a connection

my aunt described it as the additional son

I see it as confidant and "running buddies" when I was a boy.

Dementia had long ago taken hold and this was his third move to higher level memory care facility

this was the hardest to see him sitting in the wheelchair mumbling silently

I am not sure he even realized someone was there

they came to get him for lunch and I headed to get mine

On the way back to continue packing

the elevator stops and the doors open

"Steve, what are you doing here?"

It is as though we went 10 years into the past

For 20 minutes we talked

I showed him a picture of his first granddaughter

"She's very beautiful"

Soon we were back in the present - him in the chair mumbling as I pack

Filled with deep gratitude and sadness

I had a feeling that was goodbye

he died two months later

There have been other sacred moments

there may even be more poems on the sacred from me

I will always cherish that sacred grace

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A holy place

Candles lighting the darkness

Real honest truth

Entering in


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a holy place

in time or space

set aside

just for me

(and for you)




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I seek sacred space

Beauty to envelop me

Feeling the Holy.


What is sacred?

Am I sacred?

My hands that paint encouragement

My eyes that see another's pain or joy

My arms that embrace

My heart and soul that worship and love

My body that comforts

These are all things I *do*

that are sacred.

What about *me*?

My whole self?

Created with exquisite care

and profound love

All of me, as a whole, is sacred.

It's hard for me to grasp.

I work to believe it.

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Creation beauty all around and I can’t help but


Bursts of wind push pond water

In gusts of ripples back across

And I’m breathing in something

Pauses fill my soul different

Here in this sacred space.

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Song of the cardinal awake to the dawn

Answers to questions in the wind

Cries for justice in the middle of the day

Rest in the afternoon while we sit together

Evening brings answers

Darkness lets us start again

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Praying for a friend in the shower

Co-creating with God in having our babies

I wonder if it’s all sacred, but we have to see it

You, this, trying something new

Tears, joy, love

I believe it’s all sacred, but we have to see it


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