The book of the world must be written in the language

of angels, I used to think: an alchemical text demanding

centuries of careful contemplation. I wanted the words,

wanted the wisdom, wanted to study those curlicued mysteries

and find the secret truth that would transmute my lead to gold.

Oh, beloved child.

It’s not your fault you didn’t know

how to read the leaves that fall at the foot

of the maple tree, or the ripples of a water

skipper on the surface of the creek.

You didn’t know the river stones told fortunes

or that the full moon is exactly what she seems:

a sphere of mirror suspended in night as a promise

that beyond even the longest dark, the light returns.

Oh, wounded heart.

When the forest fire strikes — and it will — remember

the seed that cannot crack and grow without this heat.

Remember the stars who gave their hearts to build your bones.

Remember roots, and hold your hurt with tender hands.

The book of the world can’t be fettered by ink.

It’s written in letters of spider silk and snowfall

and the saffron pink of sunrise;

every bumble bee’s impossibly gossamer wing

pointing to the plain truth of the eternal.

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This is gorgeous! Yes magic, mystery and wisdom do not live in a book, but in the wilds of life! I love "Remember the stars who gave their hearts to build your bones." And "It’s written in letters of spider silk and snowfall and the saffron pink of sunrise; every bumble bee’s impossibly gossamer wing pointing to the plain truth of the eternal."

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Thank you Julie. 🙏🏼 I would say they -also- live in books; they just don’t live -exclusively- in books. 😊

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This is so wonderful, January. "Remember the stars who gave their hearts to build your bones. Remember roots, and hold your hurt with tender hands." And the whole last stanza. All of it, really. Oh my. I might need to put this on my wall.

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I’m honored, thank you. 💜🙏🏼 Magic is meant to be shared.

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This is stunningly beautiful, January! It is truly magical!

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Thank you, Larry. 🥰 I hadn’t ever read Psalm 19 when I wrote this, but I like to imagine the psalmist and I were seeing something similar in the world…

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Excetional January

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May 28Liked by Kaitlin Curtice










Greatness and wonder

In everyday


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May 28·edited May 28Liked by Kaitlin Curtice

You stole the magic from me

You burned out the hope and wonder of it all

Threatened the sacred from me

Whispering “Hell waits for misbehaviors”

My questions were rebuked as lacking faith

Joy shamed for blasphemy

Curiosity silenced with phrases of

“Devil temptations” sprouting from your lips

Like weeds.

Is it really any wonder I was so lost for so long?


Is it really any wonder I am so angry?


I’m taking it back.

The hope and wonder and joy and questions and


It’s mine

Not yours

It’s always been mine

This ability to foretell

By seeing patterns and making calculations

The words to call down the storm

Or ask the rain to cease.

The innate trust of the unseen forces




I am magic.


The thing about burning something to the ground

is this -

If you don’t remove the roots

It will come always come back.

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"It's mine" - screaming a big ol' YES to this.

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We talked about something like this last lectio, about how church for some just creates the lines that we draw outside of. Nice words.

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May 28Liked by Kaitlin Curtice

The bright star flares, disrupting

molecules of a planet's atmosphere

93 million miles away:

auroras dance and people are awed.


The roots of the trees stretch down

deep and connect to

networks of mycelium:

the forest communicates, a social network.


The bulb lies dormant, luckily escaping

hungry mouths all winter long.

The snow melts and the sun warms:

a flower springs forth.


Each beak, body, claw, and neck,

molded over time and luck

to adapt to its environment.


Each chance encounter and

new experience, bringing us

along the path of our lives.


It's all a matter of fact,

products of random chance,

cause and effect.


It's all magic.

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"It's all magic," yes!

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Very nice, Sarah! It is all magic for sure!

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Lovely poem and lovely book. I got mine today!!!! I went on an interview for a preschool position in our school district and if I get it you bet I will be bringing up your books!!

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Good luck with the job search, Karri!

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Oh, good luck! They'd be lucky to have you.

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I cannot wait for this book to arrive in my mailbox! Thank you for giving your words to us so graciously, Kaitlin. Congratulations!

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*Making A Gift Incarnate Clandestinely*

The way it's sold in our society,

you'd think it was simply

sleight of hand, or the casting

of a secret spell.

It's not.

It happens when we are...

astounded by

an unexpected arrival...

amazed by

the unimaginable...

awe-struck by

something heretofore unrecognized...

attentive to

the intricate details of creation

by which we are surrounded...

awakened to

what's probably been

in front of us for forever...

We don't so much make it,

or even find it.

It actually finds us.

When you’re found, today,

be sure you share it

with someone who needs

to be found, too.

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"it actually finds us." yes it does!

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I wrote this one a couple weeks ago, but it feels right for today:

I have touched magic,

felt its heart beat in my hand.

I've lifted its body from out of my own,

felt the weight of it.

I've dipped my toes into it and

felt the nibbles of life's hunger.

I've channeled it through my fingers,

felt it flow into thread, brush, and pen.

I've held my hand to my chest,

felt the thrum repeating:

alive, alive, alive.


I have witnessed magic,

watched it flit between branches.

I've been drawn toward its light,

watched it paint the world gold.

I've stopped in my tracks and

watched it run past into the woods.

I've seen it smiling wide,

watched it rest in creases beside eyes.

I've followed its dance with my gaze,

watched the movements repeating:

alive, alive, alive.


I have inhaled magic,

breathed in the day's bright beginning.

I've woken to it brewing,

breathed in the depths of its boldness.

I've scented it in salt air,

breathed in a bit of the sea.

I've caught it on the breeze,

breathed in its wild, changing nature.

I've welcomed and released,

breathed in and out repeating:

alive, alive, alive.


I have tasted magic,

savoured the flavours of love and home.

I've planted and watered and waited,

savoured the taste of my labour.

I've gone back for seconds,

savoured the nourishing of my self.

I've kept it on the tip of my tongue,

savoured its sweetness.

I've received its gentle kiss,

savoured the softness repeating:

alive, alive, alive.


I have heard magic,

listened as its laughter filled the room.

I've turned my ear and squinted,

listened for its gurgles and babbling.

I've swayed tired as it fussed,

listened as the cries became sighing.

I've waited with quiet yearning,

listened breathless to the first I love you's.

I've returned to its shores again and again,

listened to the rush and roar repeating:

alive, alive, alive.

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alive, alive, alive, YES!

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This is a magical poem, A.

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Magic is all around us.

Spiraling, whirling and undulating.

Life’s elementals and components.

It’s the sparkle of twilight.

A mysterious dancing shadow.

The flickering glow of a candle.

Moonbeams falling on puddles.


Magic cannot be contained.

Nature’s untamed wildness is

neither invented, bought nor sold.

It’s the panther’s prowl.

A hawk’s screech from above.

The crying howl of a wolf.

Nature’s feral and uncivilized ways.


Magic is what happens

between you, me and everything.

Love’s kindness, care and compassion.

It’s the heart opening in amazement.

An enchanted devotion with paradox.

The sanctity of the liminal.

Enchantments of the numinous.

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"Magic is what happens between you, me and everything" - love this, Julie.

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May 28Liked by Kaitlin Curtice

*what happens between you, me, and everything*


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This is lovely, Julie. What sweet lines:

"Magic is what happens

between you, me and everything.

Love’s kindness, care and compassion.

It’s the heart opening in amazement."

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I've always believed in magic.

Unicorns in the woods,

Fairies dancing on the windowsill.

I told my sister about Frost Fairies

Who paint our windowpanes when Jack Frost is too busy,

And she left them a letter,

Which I replied to with a letter of my own in a fancy font.

It never occurred to me that they weren't real,

Even though I wrote the letter.

The magic was in the story we wove.

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So sweet that you wrote a letter.

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This is so nice, Lisa. I agree with A., this ending line "the magic was in the story we wove," What a wonder!

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I love this! "The magic was in the story we wove." YES!

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wooden bridge, early morning

creek below, the fog adoring

not a peep that I can hear

save nosy dogs, new smells exploring

silver sparkle, drops of dew

daybreak lends a rosy hue

algae slips beneath my feet

as I pause to take in the view

magic visits in this place

draws my eyes to strands of lace

arachnae's thread, exquisitely spun

adorned in pearls, a gift of grace

around this Earth, humanity groaning

as if in labor, mothers moaning

a glimmer of hope to salve and prod

us to action, compassion flowing

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This is very nice, Katie. I love the vivid imagery. Your poem takes me on a journey with you on this early morning, and I love the last two words, "Compassion flowing."

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Nosy dogs..... ha.

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May 28·edited May 28


The universal master response

to all queries, big and small,

i bumped into my favorite acronym on a submarine.

how every working thing works.


how every broken thing gets fixed.


how we got here.


how we're gonna get there.


three little letters,

best served with a wink

and an all-knowing grin.

.pure fuckin' magic.

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Magic is when your heart breaks wide open

And you cannot even fathom

Ever feeling anything but the pain,

Let alone finding joy again.

And then one day,

You do.

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This is beautiful, Janine!

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So back in the 80’s I was a huge fan of Magic Johnson and the Los Angeles Lakers. We he announced he had HIV and abruptly retired in 1991, I was devastated and penned this the next day and sent to USA Today newspaper:

~ Magic ~

His hoop days may be through

But his assist totals will still climb

And most fortunately for us

While he’s still in his prime

He will continue to deliver

But it won’t be on the hardwood

The game is more complex now

But the final results will be as good

His life as an NBA player is over

No more trophys, no more rings

The time has come to move on

To bigger & more important things

The benefactors of his greatness

Will no longer be Kareem & James

They’ll be millions of different souls

With just as many different names

God, he was a beautiful player

Oh how I will miss the baby-hook

And noone will ever duplicate

The patented no-look

But basketball’s devastating loss

Is society’s tremendous gain

Because he’ll be able to invoke hope

And equally adept at minimizing pain

The Lakers will never, ever be the same

And he’ll be greatly missed in the Forum

But just think how many more

Can now watch and learn to adore him

Some folks may find all of this

To be, Oh so tragic

But I s’pose those are the ones

That just need another dose… of Magic

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I know this misses your point, but, Celtics - Lakers, it was always Celtics - Lakers growing up. Classic magic every time.

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Yes and as a Lakers fan I despised all things Celtics. However, once I saw the Bird/Magic documentary my heart softened..

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NIce work, Jimmy. I remember this annoucement so well. Magic's and the announcement by Tennis great Arthur Ashe that he also had HIV helped normalize the disease and continue to enhance our efforts to find effective treatments. On this day after learning of Bill Walton's death, I appreciate your poem very much.

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Been reading dozens of tributes to Walton the past 24 hours and he literally lived the life we all should strive for. A walking glow stick..

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That's a great description!

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A Poem about the magic of bike riding.



Riding westward into the late afternoon sun,

eventide sky an impressionist’s dream,

swirling, whirling, twirling spring breeze

captures my heart every time.

It’s all pure magic.


The freedom of the wheels

rolling on winding roads;

the rush of adrenaline coasting downhill,

the joy of an open road surge,

the sweet sweat beads of an uphill crawl,

all shine like magic in my mind.


Five decades of rolling magic,

through all kinds of terrain and weather,

providing sanity, tranquility and peace.

The magic these days is mostly slow magic,

the miles taking their toll on body and bike,

but magic nonetheless.


Magic that transports me to another time and place,

that colors the remains of the day,

that upends my doubt and fear

for a time.


May this sweet magic roll me into the next act,

the stage scenes backlit and right at the edge,

each mile a summer song,

a painted poem,

a prayer in motion.

Bless this magic,

this sweet day-dream,

this gift of another ride

into the magic.

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Congrats on the book!!! I will be ordering it for my local library!

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