
often get a bad reputation

because they are

linked with regret.

But not every

mistake is a regret


regret is a mistake.

Separated from regret,

we can ask,

"what did I learn?"

In school,

that mistake reinforced

a mathematical concept

I still use to this day.

That mistaken attempt

showed that

improvisation is spontaneous actions

after years of learning that craft.

What lessons have

mistakes taught you?

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Always have a good eraser at the ready....

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When I became a

parent, I learned how to give

grace to my mistakes

I wouldn't want my

children to bear the same shame

I carried so long

It's funny what we

become capable of, when

it's for someone else

I hope my kids can

forgive others because they

first forgive themselves

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To all the mistakes

I have ever made,

a parting kiss

and a scrapbook page.

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Two truths:

1. I don't like mistakes,

especially the ones I haven't made yet.

They make me feel like

I am rotten


at fault

out of control.

2. I need to make more mistakes,

practicing the up and down

in the right environment,

to find I am human



not in control.

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one. maybe two.

Seventy times seven?

well, ok, if you say so,

I'll keep trying.

but you still owe me an answer,

was free will one of yours?

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So much to unpack theologically. I love it.

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Been asking God a lot of stuff lately.

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That thing I said in front of somebody’s kid

The guy I dated when I was 18

The days I spent doomscrolling

The way I let that person trample my boundaries

The way I told stories to excuse the hurt I survived

The violin I left and had to go back for

The words said in anger

The time I was silent

The time I spoke up

—are these enough excuses to show that I’m human?

—and can I let them go when they insist on running replays?

Each day a new chance to begin,

a new chance to break.

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"are these enough excuses to show that I am human?" - great question

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A mistake sounds so accidental

a little missed step

a stumble

something not quite right

and yet when I ask myself -

was it all a terrible mistake?

that decision

that relationship

that job

that move

that which leaves me





if really it was all right

or if it really was all

a mistake

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Mistakes I've made include trusting

in things and people not worthy of my trust,

not trusting my inner voice, not trusting in

God's love and grace as freedom and hope to

bank a life on.

Not realizing all the answers to life's

questions are in the breeze underneath

a hawks wings

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“to be wrong about or to fail to recognize something or someone”

For so long I was mistaken about the meaning of “friend”

I thought the years we shared, those formative, teenage to young adult years

In youth group and young singles group and all the

Birthday parties and weddings and engagements and baby dedications and graduations

Meant something to you

It meant something to me

But because I left that brick building

Because I finally listened to my most authentic self

All of those years are now forgotten

You said it was ME making the mistake

I guess I did make a mistake

One that lasted for 17 years

I cannot erase it,

I cannot cross it out,

I cannot forget it.

But I’ve started a new season

And there’s no mistaking it

I’m better off without you

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Sometimes I worry

about making a mistake

then I remember…

That so often I

learn from mistakes

that I made before.

Bring on the mistakes

it’s part of who I am and

who I am becom(ing) ;)

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What a beautiful reflection on mistakes! I love this prompt.

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I really love and appreciate your poem and reframe Kaitlin!! 💜🙌🏼

Trying to break patterns

of perfectionism and shame

I cringe at the word mistakes

The word holds so much

expectation and negative connotation

I see mistakes as messy

parts of our humanity

that are held in our wholeness

and create opportunities to grow

in compassion and relation

with self and others

I think I just need a new

word for mistakes

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