To say "thank you"

To say "you owe me"

To say "I thought of you"

To say "there is always enough"

To say "I miss you"

To say "there was a sale on strawberries and I know how much you love strawberries"

To say "I got you"

To say "no worries"

To say "we're connected"

To say "this sucks so I got you this thing"

To say "it'll work out"

To say "all I can give, I will"

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To say " this is right nice".

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Lisa, this poem and you are a gift.

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Don’t get caught up

in the neatly wrapped ones

with frilly bows

that show up

as obligatory observations

of special days and seasons.

Turn the focus

of your heart,

if not your eyes,

toward the subtle

but sacred offerings

that seem random

and surprise you

by the joy of their arrival.

These are among

the cosmos’ daily invitation

to recognize and remember

who you are

and whose you are;

and in the depth of this beauty,

you will recognize the rhythm

of a universal code,

singing the tune

that is the gift of you.

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This is a splendid poem, Todd, which you consistently and daily share with us. Thank you. These lines are true gifts, especially:

"Turn the focus

of your heart,

if not your eyes,

toward the subtle

but sacred offerings

that seem random

and surprise you

by the joy of their arrival."

Pure magic. Thank you!

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If God did not love us

She would not have given us gifts

like flowers



and poets

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Love this!

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The chickadees

were the first

to see the seeds,

strewn, as they were,

so eagerly. One flew

closer immediately,

inspecting the gift

and eyeing us warily.

I'd like to think that,

one day, they may

accept it freely,

knowing, with no

hesitation, that the

sowing is done

most lovingly,

a quiet offering.

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I can see this scene unfold as I read your poem. So lovely ❤️

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What a lovely poem, A. It is indeed a quiet offering. Your poetry and you are a gift.

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May 26·edited May 26




Don't give me more stuff.

What do i do with more stuff.

I have more stuff than i will ever use more than once, anyways.


And no more gift cards, please.

I keep forgetting where I put 'em.


Just gift me some out.

Just you and me.


a ballgame. an art thing.

maybe get some ice cream.

that's what old people like, right?

a record store.

I heard vinny's vinyl

is open on sundays.

Or maybe a burger, a

real, non-vegan burger from a

real greasy spoon cafe that plays

real country music.

Sweet tea, nasty ass chili fries

on the side. I'll buy.



Doesn't matter where.


Just gift me some out.

Just you and me.


ask for some advice

that you'd never actually take.


Ask to hear some sea stories.

pretend like its the very first time, even when you and I both know it's not.


laugh real laugh with me.

I like to laugh.


Just gift me some out.

Just you and me.


And don't keep looking at your watch.





(thought I would try not counting syllables this time)

(scared myself)

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Love it!

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Great work, Chuck! I'll meet you at the diner!

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I often wonder

If life is a gift or a responsibility

Am I to feel grateful for the offering

Or humbled, sometimes awed

By the necessity of

Doing more, being more

So I get lost in the doing

And fastening the ribbons of

Expectation, desire, and need

Trying to thread myself into

The correct design, safely

Repackaging myself as someone else,

More presentable, more valuable

When I should remember that

Regardless of the trimming

Enclosing or composing of

My outward being,

Life’s gift is inside me

It is me,

It has been, always,

Ready for my acceptance, anytime I want.

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This is a beautiful poem, Rachel. The lines flow and sing, and are magical. "My life's gift is inside me. It is me, It has been, always, ready for my acceptance, anytime I want." So sweet and powerful! What a special gift!

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I've been writing a lot of poems for and about my mom, and the word "gift" made me think of her immediately. She's in the long slide of Alzheimer's right now, and poetry has been a way for me to make it through the strange grief of her memory loss. Here's my poem for her today:


Nose to nose, swaddled close

you gave me my first

home in this world

held me in love

from the start


you always said:

what you give out

you get back


you held me in love and

taught me the enduring

reciprocity of care

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Your story reminds me of something I wrote many years ago for a dear friend whose mom was *in the long slide.*

This year fades into next;

faces and places blend into

an oatmeal gruel of tasteless memory,

if we focus only on

the names and numbers.

But when it’s eyes and smiles we file away,

and joyous moments on the way,

when time stands still and sunlight

bathes our hearts with joy too deep for words,

then years and faces, names and places

become the insignificant backdrop

against which grace paints.

So when I see your eyes aglow and

catch that fox-sly grin, I’ll surely know

you’re passing on to me

a priceless loving memory

of what life’s purpose is meant to be.

I’ll file it away so I can share it too,

someday, when love becomes

the only measure.

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I am remembering gagging on that smushed up stuff they were serving my mom in the nursing home, trying to show her its not that bad. I signed her out and we went to the big T-burger drive thru, ate in the truck. Good stuff.

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"When love becomes the only measure." This brought me to tears - in a way filled with grace. Thank you for sharing this poem ❤️

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This is so beautifully tender and full of love, Todd. Thank you.

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The tears just started flowing. I wish I would've known about poetry when we were dealing with our parents. It helps so much!

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This is beautiful, Katie. Sweet, tender and so very real. My mother-in-law, a wodnerful person, has been in cognitive decline for some time, and each visit she is a little further away from the Mom her children, including my partner, have known all their lives. Thank you for sharing . your love of and for your mom. Blessings to you both.

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Rocks and sticks fill my

pockets. My children share their

love while on our walk.

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Yay! Our children are true gifts!

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What a gift it has been to be here with you all this month 💜

Yesterday, though I didn't know it at the time, I gifted myself the grace to not try to write anything on the prompt. What felt complicated yesterday, I can see today was a gift.

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A wonderful insight, Sarah!

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The magic of Christmas

The excitement of birthdays

Pretty bows

Shiny paper

The thrill of unwrapping

The gift of life

The promise of a new day



The love of connection

Is it better to give

or to receive?

Or is it the bridge

we build in

the act of giving

that is the true beauty of


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The bridge we build - beautiful Jane 💜

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This is sweet and special, Jane. These tender lines are beautiful:

"Is it better to give

or to receive?

Or is it the bridge

we build in

the act of giving

that is the true beauty of


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I wrapped this box

And tied it with string.

You did the reverse,

What a wonderful thing.

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The alpha & omega of gifting.


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So nice, A.M. Pure joyful magic in four precious lines!

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The best gift I've received recently has been this experience.

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Daily lullabies of pink stained sunsets,

Sunrises and clear skies.

Playful clouds on the horizon

painting palettes of molten butter.

Eyes holding the sea

my ancestors have chosen to live below.

Hair flat as the straw rooftops that hid them

from the nightly graspings of the Wild Hunt.

A mother with soft hands

And a father with a soft voice.

A brother with a soft heart

and grandmothers with soft skin.

What gifts I have been given.

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This is so lovely. Such beautiful imagery.

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thank you!

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Presence is a Gift you

Give to Yourself

The Gift of returning

To yourself, your home

The home in your chest

The place where you rest

The ultimate Gift

Presence, not presents

Far more valuable

Than stuff, dollars or cents

Presence, literally the Gift

That keeps on Giving

So you bow with grace

And accept your own offering

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Very grateful for the gifts of this space and these amazing poets.

The Gift


This day is a gift.

This time

This place

This moment.

A precious gift.

A graceful arc of dancing particles

flowing mindfully into the light.

Small acts of kindness,

intentional or random,

stepping stones

to a world

abundantly loved.

Gratitude for

this present moment,

this one more day.

A gift,

This gift.

This precious gift.

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the smell of your scalp

the blueberry-stained kiss

the scrapes on your knees

the stories about the musician

the pound of your bongos

the tears when you thought

you were lost

the patter of your questions

the time to be in your timeless sphere

the time to be

the time

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