Long before smart phones

Little battery powered transistor radios

Poster for a Seattle Radio station

In the 1960’s

Drawing of a classic hobo

Dancing down the railroad


Transistor radio pressed to his ear.


“Those who dance, are thought

Quite insane, by those who

Can’t hear the music”.

That poster has been a guide

For me for years

At my best I have heard and followed

The music.

I have not settled, I have not let the

Many, compelling and seductive sounds of caution, fear and taming keep

Me from dancing to a different and truer tune that draws me onto a magical mystery journey.

Jesus, St Francis, Mother Teresa,

Martian Luther King Jr., Dorthy Day Clyde Bellecourt, Greta Thurnberg, Winona LaDuke.

All thought crazy

All hearing divine music

All calling us to journey, all inviting us to

The dance of a greater life.

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thank you for this.

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Keep dancing

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The word "journey" comes from the

middle-English word for a day's travel,

or, a day's work.

When we talk about life being a journey,

most people think about it as though

we are simply traveling through life,

and it makes it seem like the destination

is the important part,

and that the purpose of the journey

is just to get to wherever we're going.

They've built entire religions

around the idea that the whole point of life

is to get to the end,

and that the only thing we should care about

is whether or not we're going to end up

at the right place,

with the right people.

But I think that life, as a journey,

is our life's work.

The life is the purpose.

The life is the important part.

When we think about it that way,

it becomes a lot more difficult

to ignore our impact on

the space we are traveling in,

and those who are traveling with us.

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this made me cry. thank you!

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I so resonate with this!!!

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Under the firs of the Northwest I

found myself

alone and happy,

caught in the arms of the world

for the first time:

a journey outward.

Under the roof of my thoughts I

lost myself

alone and chaotic

until I learned how to carve a path

through that which terrifies me:

a journey ongoing.

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most stop,

sooner or later.

move on, next chapter, please.

but a special few never arrive.

that's not their goal.

like me & music.

like me & love.

like me & jesus.

When you think you know it all,

you stop the journey.

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We arrived back to London

to find the underground

closes after midnight.

Foolish Americans, miles

from our dorm rooms,

spotlight streetlamps

and two backpacks

between us. We straightened

our spines and refused

to look at each other,

warrior-posed pair

for a night trek

in streets rain slick,

a test of dexterity,

our vigilant breaths drum-

No one approach us.

Our journey is afoot.

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Oh no!! This happened to me in Washington DC. How did it end??

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We luckily found a bus line after 30 mins of speed walking, that bus got chased by a drunk guy, got close enough that we at least knew the area, another 30 min speed walk and we made it 🙌

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Aww wow what a scary/hilarious story! Glad you made it back unharmed!!

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12 days of traveling in May make this Journey prompt the hardest so far...

Interviewing people impacted by the disease ALS in the shadow of the Washington Monument and next to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Being fully present for the first next generation wedding in West Virginia

Then a 90th birthday celebration in Tampa Bay

Sitting here with black coffee thinking about 12 days of wonder, conversation, recollections and grace

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*raises coffee mug* To the in between!

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Looking at the comments, it’s very clear that I didn’t do the reading because I’m supposed to write a response poem or something, LOL. But I just wanted to say this poem resonates with me very deeply right now as I’m in the process of moving (for health reasons) to a completely new and unfamiliar place in which I do not yet know a single living soul. So thanks for the words—I’ll be carrying them with me over the next month or so, for sure.

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I moved to a new city where I knew nobody last summer. sending you so much solidarity!

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I wouldn't have described this

as a journey -

growth would be the word

I would have imagined to

describe the process -

becoming the person

I was meant to be.

But, it isn't that simple.

We don't just grow

until we get there.

At some point,

I realized

who I wanted to be


who I was created to be.

This required

unloading equipment

I would no longer need.

It would require

returning through

hostile territory

to heal.

It takes place

through dark nights,

In fields of beautiful flowers-

to which I have become allergic -

there are steep climbs,

downhill tumbles,

muddy marshes,

unpaved paths,

rest stops to tend wounds,

and even some excursions

to sightsee.

But one day,

I will arrive

the distance traveled


the total displacement


I will be home

The place I started

from before

my birth.

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"unloading equipment I would no longer need" oh what a line, and it's true! we have to do this at different times of our life.

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Sometimes I feel like my life is like a video game

I’m completing all of the side quests first

Because I don’t want to do the main mission

I don’t like reaching the final BOSS

They’re always big and scary and difficult to defeat

I’d much rather just go around

Collecting gems

Cutting down grass

Running errands for minor background characters

That’s a lot more fun

Than facing the villain

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Journey home to Self

Discover your vibrant spark

Tend it carefully

Don’t let it go out

Your spark is the Divine forced

Ready to create

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Sometimes a journey happens




We have traveled through pandemic

and loss

and grief

and fear

and wonder

and questions

and uncertainty






So here’s the thing:

There is no way

that we could possibly be

in the same place.

And yet physically we are.





we have journeyed through

so much.

So we are not just new.

But in a new place…

and we are ready,

because others have journeyed

before us,


with us.

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The journey of life

is all about the living

the steps along the way

but the journey to see you

is all about the destination

the promise of arrival

the joy of togetherness

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