So nice, Julie. "Rain dripping down the windowpane like tears of grief never resolved." Oh my, that line is a poem all by itself. It made me think of a song I discoverted in college by Tim Moore called Second Avenue." This beauitful song ends with "that all the things that we felt, must eventually melt and fade, like the frost on my window pane, where I wrote I am you, on Second Avenue."
Yes, that companions can be both animate and not, both pleasant and sometimes uncomfortable, can bring you backwards in time to an inner child or other memories. This is such a richly peopled poem.
I was telling someone the other day that shame seems to be a constant companion. Then when this prompt came up, it had to be included along with grief. Because they truly are with me my whole life.
I find companions in many places…
In a crow’s caw followed by their contented gurgling purr.
From the smell of pine needles that lay upon my yule altar.
Rain dripping down the windowpane like tears of grief never resolved.
Flickering candlelight casting dancing shadows upon my walls.
A group of women I call my tribe, my sweet wild soul sisters.
Crispy leaves that I skip through enabling me to be a kid once again.
Words of shame reminding me of traumas from long ago.
My hubby, whom I walk alongside both in silence and in conversation.
So nice, Julie. "Rain dripping down the windowpane like tears of grief never resolved." Oh my, that line is a poem all by itself. It made me think of a song I discoverted in college by Tim Moore called Second Avenue." This beauitful song ends with "that all the things that we felt, must eventually melt and fade, like the frost on my window pane, where I wrote I am you, on Second Avenue."
Thanks Larry! I had never heard of Tim Moore, appreciate you for sharing this with me. Wow what a beautiful song and voice. Touched me....
Yes, that companions can be both animate and not, both pleasant and sometimes uncomfortable, can bring you backwards in time to an inner child or other memories. This is such a richly peopled poem.
I was telling someone the other day that shame seems to be a constant companion. Then when this prompt came up, it had to be included along with grief. Because they truly are with me my whole life.
Such a visual and I agree ...the tears of grief never resolved....genius,
.like tears of grief never resolved.