Everything changed for me

when I stopped seeking

a god outside of me…

when god was the only

thing sacred.

Now I seek the Divine

within me

leading me back to Self…

the Self that is connected to

and apart of all things.

When I catch glimpses

of the Divine here

I can see the Divine everywhere…

within every human and

the diverse expressions of our humanity

within a sunrise

in the trees whether naked and bare

or full of spring leaves

in the clear blue sky and

the slow moving clouds

in the wild Plants all around

and in their Medicine forms

in a plate of food

a steaming cup of coffee

in the red soil composting

the dead stumps

in the cycles of death and life

and the accompanying suffering


every part of me knows

everything is Sacred.

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So lovely!!

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God came to me one day

as a squirrel.

He plunked down on the porch railing

outside my open window and began

chewing a walnut,


I couldn’t look away

from his shiny black eyes

and the muttering scrape of his teeth on the shell.

Incarnation is anywhere,

even in a squirrel.

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Penance is a highway

on an all day drive,

I count out decades

of a rosary like mile markers

studded along the horizon. God, I feel

like we’ve been on this road

for decades- You, sitting shotgun,

splitting snacks,

swapping stories,

wind from cracked windows

rippling the paper

map in Your hands.

I’m tired of sing-a-longs

and picking fights,

at times roaring louder

than the engine,

that horizon is eternally

ahead. I am exhausted. And God,

You take my hand, open

on the middle seat in Your own,

no more talk of sins and signs,

right now all we are

is shared silence

for the next few miles.

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I love the feel and presence of this imagery

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Heat the drum beat?

It’s the pulse of creator everywhere

Feel the vibrations within you and everything

See the stars?

You are small, and God is big

Feel at home, you have a place here

See all the religions and skeptics

Good with God

Feel God’s Spirit washing upon all shores.

See Jesus?

I do, but you don’t have to.

But if you do, please just feel his love.

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Should be Hear the drum beat😊

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Funny, I read it “hear”

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The harder I tried to understand and know

the God that I was taught to believe in,

the more I realized how very little

I understood and knew at all.

They told me if I studied,

and committed myself,

it would all be clear.

So I committed,


learned -


And it became clear

that if such a being exists,

They are the farthest thing from

the one that I'd been taught to fear.

I am still committed to seeking the divine,

but now I find it in others, and within myself.

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Dang it.


you said you love me.


you said you give me strength.


C'mon, man.

stop screwing around.

git your





in my freakin' god box.


I'm late for a meeting.

(inspired by "naked pastor" cartoon)

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I have this memory of

Spreading my arms out wide

And running and running

While above me

A flock of birds flew in the same direction

I looked up

Gazed at their charcoal feathers

Mimicked their caws

And felt free

Free as a bird

Young-Me saw God in all of Nature

All of the time.

Middle-Me danced between Devotion and Avoidance


I see God again.

Yes, in Nature.

But also in some people too.

The Sacred is within us all.

The Sacred is told in our stories.

As the meta prayer says:

The Light in me honors

The Light in you

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Love this!!!

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Thank you! :)

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Our ancestors had other ways to praise

That which





Each of them (and us) unique miracles.

Here, and only now.


Each of us a line in the Poem being written by Love.

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‘Each of us a line in the Poem being written by Love.’ - just beautiful and so life giving for me. ♥️

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God - an unexpected haiku

He who is always

Out there, somewhere, up above

In pain, moves closer

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As someone

who is

seeking, asking, knocking



Scripture reveals more

of it is viewed from

other perspectives

Prayer feels different





Creation amazes

from the

belly of the big fish

even if it is

built for war

That experience

pointed me further

as part of a calling

that still unfolds

still confounds


still urges me


through a dark night

(is it still a "night" of it lasts years?)

I discover you

in new ways

that I increasingly


through my

native spirituality

and Hebrew Scriptures

that shape my

view of


encountering you (again)

one day

when you build your


among us

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these metaphors were terrible

I grew up knowing you as above,

Beyond, out there, a ragey dad

Waiting for the first chance to punish

I still think of you like this.

And then we share silence again

I remember that my perceptions

Are so often inaccurate

I remember the Divine is hidden inside me

In my son's smile,

In the light peaking through trees

In an ocean, and the blissful breeze

In curiosity and doubt

The gentleness I practice on myself

And I become unafraid

Until I forget,

Here we are,

Always forgetting,

and repairing again.

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Loving-so loving that my human heart cannot imagine

Creator-you gave me the capacity to co-create with you

With me

With you

With all of us

Is there really a word or words to describe you

They/We have lied about you and you love us still

They/We had no idea that your love is who you are


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Abundant nothing.

Vacuum. Space void. Avoiding

eye contact. Relief.

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I've loved finding so much hope from your writing, Kaitlin. Engaging with them daily has led to me to return to creative writing after a long time away. And I've never shared any before, so thank you for creating space.

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as a self-identified

‘Professional God Person’

many look to me

for definition


and feelings

relating to

and helping others

to see

to feel

to gain deeper insight

and to experience

God’s presence at work in the world.


far more often

others help me

to see

to feel

to gain deeper insight.

for example

at a meeting

at the local high school

with the SaGa* club

when a student spoke words like this**

‘I’m not a faith person,


if God made us,

in God’s image,

male and female,

then isn’t God non-binary?’


the divine

the holy one


in you and in me

looking like

you and me

looking like us

ever discovering

ever transforming

into a being

that invites us

into relationship

with God


with one another.

*Sexuality and Gender Alliance

**as best as I remember the words this student shared

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Thanks to you Kaitlin and your words in Native, I feel deeply blessed every time I hear or read "Great Mystery".

Thanks to Julia Cameron and The Artist's Way, I'm comfortable with G.O.D. Good Orderly Direction. Restoring my comfort with God was a healing journey.

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May 19, 2022
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