If trust is a fall,

my instinct is to crochet

a net as wide as a canyon,

gather the threads of doubt

and dread and never

again will I be taken a fool.

If trust is a fall,

I construct my safety

net, make knots

from the pit of my stomach

the night you told me you lied

about that, double crochet

through side glances and promising

nothing, skip a stich or two

or hundreds of heartbeats

to slow down when memories

weigh in their habitual opinions.

If trust is a fall,

I’ve fallen far before,

still waiting to hit the ground,

my fingers wrapped in yarn.

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This is beautiful, Anne Marie!

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Thanks so much! I’m having a blast on this project 😊

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My deepest wounding from the

theology and orthopraxy of

atonement theory and total depravity

is the relationship of trusting my

body, trusting my Knowing, trusting abundance, and trusting goodness.

Control, discipline, rigidity

created felt safety and

covered over this wound.

I’ve gradually been rebuilding trust

but the wound is now uncomfortably

exposed as my body cries out for a

trust I couldn’t even imagine for myself.

Confusion and mis-signals

bring discouragement after years

of chronic illness and restricted,

regimented protocols.

Trust requires relationship

Rebuilding trust takes time

What would it look like to

sit in the pain and discomfort

without an anxious desire

to understand and fix it?

Perhaps this is trust

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I feel this so much. Thank you for sharing!

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I had to look up orthopraxy-thank you for teaching me a new word. Thank you for this, I can really relate to it. #FormerConservativePentecostal

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“I know you better than you know yourself”

I was told,

and I believed them.

I believed I was a stranger to myself

undeserving and unknowing of my own path.

How much better to rest in other people’s judgment!

How much simpler to follow the rules

instead of my heart

(my desperately wicked heart)!


But here I am

walking amid the ferns and firs again

and asking the same questions:

What if others didn’t know me better than I know myself?

What if I can trust my heart

(my open and vulnerable heart)?

What if the Spirit was more important than the rules?

Through the clouds, I glimpse blue sky.

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CW: sexual abuse, weight/body image




I was taught not to trust my body.

That she was dangerous,

not just for myself,

but for others.

"The ways of the flesh,"

"a stumbling block,"


That she was too much,

not just for myself,

but for others.

"Carbs are the devil,"

"sugar is addictive,"

"lose weight fast!"

That she didn't belong to me --

not just for myself,

but for others.

"Your body is a temple,"

"boys don't like ---,"

"how to be sexy:"

But I was just a child when my body was

sexually abused by someone

I was supposed to trust.

I was taught how to hate the size and shape

of my body from people who

I was supposed to trust.

I dissociated to distance myself from the

body I was told I should have by those

I was supposed to trust.

If I trusted my body

that would be


If I trusted my body

I would be

too much.

How could I trust

what isn't


My body


love and care to me.

When I

ignored her,

she began screaming

until I

had no choice

but to listen to her.

My body

told me that I am

not responsible for my abuse.

My body

told me that my value is

not dependent on my size or looks.

My body

told me that

I am my own,

and I trust her.

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💗 thank you for sharing your heart with us

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Thank you for creating a safe place to share! 💕

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Thank you for sharing. ♥️

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Trust – an acrostic


Reminding myself that

Under all circumstances

Someone up there is

Taking care of me

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During recess, every once in awhile I get called over because:

“_______ is stuck on the monkey bars and can’t get down.”

I used to reply with

“Let go and I’ll catch you—trust me.”


I walk them through how to use their body to get down independently

And I praise how capable and strong they were—without my help

It has worked every time

There won’t always be someone there to catch you when you get stuck

It’s good to have trust in Others

But it’s better to have trust in Yourself

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A trust haiku

Takes time to build trust,

but mere seconds to tear down

How will the heart heal?

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has been harder to write about

remembering trauma

had me triggered

through 4 infinity poems

as things are overloaded

in my thoughts

I realize

trauma still affects me

but I am healing to the point

I can be vulnerable with strangers

sharing poems

because this is part of healing

trusting again



I am still centering and trying to be fully present

but I am grateful

for this opportunity

and these people

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Buy it?

Sell it?

Steal it?

Screw it?

maybe just give it.

maybe when I'm really scared.

maybe psalm 56:3.

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I trust in God more than anything else,

I really do

I trust in the God I know as the Divine, the

Great Spirit, the Mystery, the pulse running through

All of life, and as Jesus.

I trust in the God who is to me like the Waiting Father,

In Jesus’ parable.

Always welcoming me and all people

Home. Aways, everyone. No questions asked.

I trust in a God who is our home, everywhere at

All times, in all things.

I trust that God is present in a way

That is relational.

Sometimes I sense that in the next

Prayer breath I take,

Sometimes in a conversation with this

One particular oak tree

Sometimes in communion with

Another soul.

I trust in God, mystery, great spirit, the divine,

The always in with and under all things, more than I

Trust in anything else.

And almost every day, that is enough, and it

Leads me to trust in a few other things

As well… Amen

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Trust is a funny thing

we look outside ourselves

to find it

Forgetting where it starts

Trust is the well inside

Deep and present

It is knowing

It is my body

This body

The one who has always

carried me

will always carry me

my one companion

from birth to death

How could I not trust her

when she has been me

all along?

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Heart behind my heart

Holding sorrow, love, and Light -

Just like you and them.

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