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thoughts on the in-between
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This was a first for me—closing my eyes and typing out the poem as I pictured the landscape. It was a really beautiful exercise, and brought up emotions that I wouldn’t have found with my eyes open, seeing the words come across the screen.
Instead, I simply pictured it—the land, stretching.
I encourage you to keep stretching yourself with these prompts, finding new ways to write, to expand your thinking, to come to these words with open hearts.
I closed my eyes,
trying to picture it,
to see the never-ending
shape of land mass
stretching and stretching
far beyond me.
I could see it, but only in what
my mind’s eye could imagine.
It’s not the real thing,
no the real beauty of a
stretching and stretching land,
a never-ending picture
of what it means to feel
the pulse of Mother Earth.
A landscape is more than
an idea, but a chance to dream.
So I close my eyes
and picture this landscape,
and wonder what it means
to dream of a day, a month, a year,
when there are no boundaries
around my belonging or my freedom.
I dream of a world in which the oppressed are free,
where fear is gone,
where we are all healed.
Maybe there, the landscape
is simply the stretching on and on
of our joyful, sacred hearts.
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By Kaitlin Curtice · Hundreds of paid subscribers
thoughts on the in-between
Atmospheric perspective -
that's what it's called when the rolling mountains
I grew up in start to look softer in the distance.
I used to think it was sad that something
so vibrant could appear to fade
as you get further away,
but now I think I rather relate to being perceived
differently up close.
A landscape love letter
I come from
a valley landscape
mountain slopes
frame East and West
tectonic shifts
basalt flows
and glacial floods
gave birth to the terrain
A layer cake of
lush green old growth
rich red volcanic soils
and flinty blue foothills
give way to the horizon
dense coastal fog prevails
and ancient volcanic peaks
watch over us
A river basin
feeds the valley floor
a mighty flowing heart
and tributary tendrils
a riparian realm
teeming with fertility
I come from
a valley landscape