Seed-leaves spreading like tiny hearts end to end;

i imagine you tall and strong, sweet-bitter leaves of kale;

but first i must disentangle you,

give you room to breathe,

cut you loose from your home and try to help you thrive elsewhere;

please forgive me for this disruption;

i only want you to bloom.

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So tiny

So fragile

So delicate

Signs of life beginning

Signs of hope sprouting

A promise of the future

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seedling, God’s green hope

leaves unfurling, bursting forth

an act of great trust

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A little bundle of life

Spreading its elbows above the dirt

Aiming for the sun

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A bit of green peeks

through the soil, tiny tendrils

slowly unfurling,

stretching, reaching for

the sun, calm and unhurried;

a lesson, a gift.

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a tiny seedling

holds vulnerability

no life without them

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I remember drawing the root pushing

down down into the soil --

observing subterranean growth in

seventh grade science.

Thinning the rows of beets and carrots,

I lament the loss of potential --

lightly touching my stomach where

life briefly grew.

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how come most things seem to start so

meek. puny. crushable. sinless.

& who decides when to drop the '-ling' ?

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You are so tiny,

Yet so full of potential.

You quiver with excitement,

Ready to burst forth from your hull.

Will someone pick you,

To be planted into fertile soil?

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Seedling becomes plant

Plant blooms in all its glory

Flowers and Fruit shine

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You are on your way.

You thought you were buried,

but you worked your way up

through the dirt.

Here you are

a little unsteady and

weak in the knees,

but you are standing,

turning your face

to the sun.

Keep going, keep growing.

Soak up the rain.

Dig your roots deep.

Drink in those rays.

You will branch out

and develop

in amazing ways.

You play a vital part

in the mutual work

of the green world.

And we are thankful.

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buried deep

so long ago


with all things

to grow fully

except light

and care

to fully become

who you were

created to be


buried deep

so long ago

planted in

poor environment

with little attention

and no care

trampled down

and neglected

ignored and cast aside

fear not


buried deep

so long ago


don't give up hope

a new day dawns

a new community forms

light and love

are on the way

encouragement like water

will help you grow


buried deep


so long ago

you are infinitely valued

you created for more

than you can even imagine

the world needs you

to fully bloom

to see your potential

to add to its beauty


buried deep


long ago

you are human

created with dignity

and intention

plus a purpose

that makes the world

a better place

because you are in it

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Embodied potency

Ancient knowing, with

Ample possibility

Capacious liminality

No longer seed, but

Not yet tree

Radical vulnerability

Embryonic roots, then

Downy shoots

Tender seedling

There are no guarantees, and

We keep living and loving

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Bright blue sky day,

warmth of spring creeping in,

light shines through my window

as the children gather for lunch below,

ready to embrace the songs of the day.

Seedlings in human form,

grown from seeds planted intentionally or not

blooming in hope for a future that is possible.

I wonder.

How will they grow?

How will we tend and nurture them?

Will we treat them better than the trees?

Or the same? Or worse?

Will they be as resilient as the oak?

As flexible as the magnolia?

As stunning as a dogwood?

As winsome as the willow?

Will they look at us and weep,

as their kindreds are cut down,

clear cut in the horrors of our times.

In their growing,

will they look at us with love.

With hope? With understanding?

Will they know we did the best we could?

Or that when we failed

we were simply too afraid.

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The Seedling

It never ceases to amaze me

That a seed placed into the soil

And given sunlight and water

Will sprout and flourish and grow

Into whatever it is meant to be.

Karri Temple Brackett

May 10. 2023

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A spark

Blushing darkness in the

Void starting somewhere

Nowhere until it begins to

Crunch forward restless as

The dawn’s eye in a crouching

Tiger spit fire doesn’t even sound

The same doesn’t even play

The same jibber jabber rags to

Riches princess in the ruins

Edge edgy until you love it

Until it seduces you just like

All the others who hold onto

Their kites and sent them

Soaring golden with the eagle who

Peers with golden eye wisdom and

Elegance that always let them

Finish it explosively writing

Banners on the tall

Wall that proclaim your


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