This was such an oddly timely read for me, I had a friend who I've not kept in great touch with recently who put that Mama Bear Apologetics book on her baby shower registry. I went through this same mental/emotional process you described here; this friend and I grew up in the same evangelical church but have gone very different ways. Tha…
This was such an oddly timely read for me, I had a friend who I've not kept in great touch with recently who put that Mama Bear Apologetics book on her baby shower registry. I went through this same mental/emotional process you described here; this friend and I grew up in the same evangelical church but have gone very different ways. Thanks for this post, always encouraging us to sit with the complexity and the discomfort that comes with it.
This was such an oddly timely read for me, I had a friend who I've not kept in great touch with recently who put that Mama Bear Apologetics book on her baby shower registry. I went through this same mental/emotional process you described here; this friend and I grew up in the same evangelical church but have gone very different ways. Thanks for this post, always encouraging us to sit with the complexity and the discomfort that comes with it.