Thank you for putting words to something I had struggled with. We left our previous church - back in 2010 - and moved on to a different church - I attended on my own - my husband did not - however I never lingered for coffee hour - I just would leave - I enjoyed the sermons and worship but still couldn't do the Sunday small talk, plus th…
Thank you for putting words to something I had struggled with. We left our previous church - back in 2010 - and moved on to a different church - I attended on my own - my husband did not - however I never lingered for coffee hour - I just would leave - I enjoyed the sermons and worship but still couldn't do the Sunday small talk, plus the ever present Church Cliques are live an well no matter where you go. IN 2021 we moved away - about an hour from our church and with the pandemic started to watch on line- we do have a pastor that asks those questions most of the time, but I feel freed from the scrutiny because I am not in a small group or leading anything. And by not being in the building I do not feel so alone. IN the Church I always felt alone yet it was suppose to be in community. Its funny how weird people get when you are not in the building. I did lead a small group for a while - it was an art group but had trouble gaining traction - I guess it wasn't Christian enough for our church. Not sure. I have been doing alot of learning on the Indigenous history - here in Canada and what led to the many awful things that have happened not only to Indigenous people but other BIPOC groups. I have questions - one I have been pondering of late - are there oral stories around creation and God that are not in the bible but just as relevant? How did everything begin in the Middle East - yet we have history showing man was here on Turtle Island thousands of years. Sorry I am all over the place. Your Leaving Church has really resonated with me. Thank you for sharing - Michele
Thank you for putting words to something I had struggled with. We left our previous church - back in 2010 - and moved on to a different church - I attended on my own - my husband did not - however I never lingered for coffee hour - I just would leave - I enjoyed the sermons and worship but still couldn't do the Sunday small talk, plus the ever present Church Cliques are live an well no matter where you go. IN 2021 we moved away - about an hour from our church and with the pandemic started to watch on line- we do have a pastor that asks those questions most of the time, but I feel freed from the scrutiny because I am not in a small group or leading anything. And by not being in the building I do not feel so alone. IN the Church I always felt alone yet it was suppose to be in community. Its funny how weird people get when you are not in the building. I did lead a small group for a while - it was an art group but had trouble gaining traction - I guess it wasn't Christian enough for our church. Not sure. I have been doing alot of learning on the Indigenous history - here in Canada and what led to the many awful things that have happened not only to Indigenous people but other BIPOC groups. I have questions - one I have been pondering of late - are there oral stories around creation and God that are not in the bible but just as relevant? How did everything begin in the Middle East - yet we have history showing man was here on Turtle Island thousands of years. Sorry I am all over the place. Your Leaving Church has really resonated with me. Thank you for sharing - Michele