May 13Liked by Kaitlin Curtice

Stages of a revolution







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love this.

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Please let us be this kind of revolution.

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May 13·edited May 13Liked by Kaitlin Curtice

late last night

a thought

came up on me

that I am

the embodiment

of my theology

my thoughts

about the divine

(on my best days)

are mirrored in

my actions

just as

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

was transformed by

"the black Jesus"

he encountered

in Harlem

or the work

of forgiveness that

Desmond Tutu

made flesh

in South Africa

or most famously

in the U.S.

Martin Luther King Jr

testified and protest

with his entire being

the equality

of humanity

from the poor

and segregated

parts of town

to the cities

and fields around

the word


let my theology

become embodied

in me

that my life



voice and action



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Yes. good. If more folks did this shalom thing there would be a lot less cow poop circulating out here.

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This is worthy theology. Thank you for sharing this word.

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NIce work, Steven. I suspect your life and theology are blending in well with all you have experienced, learned and been inspired by. Blessings to you.

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It has been quite the experience, often not pleasant, but I am using it to grow so that I understand things differently

Thank you.

Blessings to you as well

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Raise your hand

in the meeting

or clear your throat

at the dinner

Say the thing that’s

bothering everyone or

bothering no one

the thing that lands

in your stomach

like a rock

that speaks to you:

this isn’t right

something must be done


Swallow the fear that

someone will call you

negative or


that someone might

write you off

that you won’t be

universally liked

that no one will

hear you


Raise your hand

or clear your throat

hold the sign or

make the call

because you know:

this isn’t right

something must be done

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this is really beautiful.

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Yes, “something must be done”. I love it.

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This is beautiful, Grace. Thank you for being a voice that speaks up.

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I am pro-test.

We test the bounds that tell us what we can do

We test our hearts to see what cannot survive this way

We test the patience of those who wish we'd just shut up

We test the cage of the status quo until it bends and breaks

-- And if we are being crushed by the machine

It is the machine that we must change

Not us.

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yes yes yes

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May 13Liked by Kaitlin Curtice

break the cage

step out of the machine

such helpful words today

thank you

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Thanks for reading!

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I love this Lisa--creative, clever and prophetic. Thank you!

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Thanks so much!

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May 13·edited May 13Liked by Kaitlin Curtice

.4 me.

"Say" is an easy

but fickle mouthpiece.


Like standing on jello.

"Do" is harder.

but more like a rock.

.4 me.

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May 13Liked by Kaitlin Curtice


made me giggly.

and wonder what it would be like to stand on jello.

thanks for this.

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May 13Liked by Kaitlin Curtice

Do is harder!!

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May 13Liked by Kaitlin Curtice


So often, on my journey

through the cosmos,

I imagine myself

a lone traveler

whose only concern

is self-protection

and self-preservation;

but then I come across

someone else whose story

opens my flow of Cheek Creek,

and I find myself neck-deep

in passionate empathy,

wondering what I can say

and do to make a difference.

If I sit with them long enough,

I feel called to the witness stand

of life, where threads of connection

beg me to speak the truth

I feel in the deeps of my marrow;

and until I take this risk,

I know I’m little more

than an unmoored buoy,

drifting in a sea of nothingness.

Prōtestārī, indeed,

is the testimony

of our deepest kinship,

revealing the thread

of solidarity that weaves us

into a garment of hope.

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open that flow

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This is splendid, Todd. An insightful poem of depth and breadth. Thank you!

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My daughter protests

every perceived injustice

with such ferocity.


She is still learning

what it means to be a person,

but she is also teaching me.


I am certain she is capable

of moving mountains with her

deeply rooted self belief.


All she really needs

to change the world

is for me to let her be.

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friggin' hard to let them be, yes?

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YES! So rewarding when I manage it, though.

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This is a tough job for a parent, a friend, a spouse. Give me grace to give them grace to be.

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Nurture that wonderful spirit and voice. I am sure that is just another reason you are a proud mother

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Thank you, Steven!

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They teach us so much - my oldest is 24 (gah!) and I seriously learn from her on the regular!

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This is beautiful, A. I expect your daughter and you are wonderful teachers for each other. And if you seem to get in the way as parents sometimes do, she'll just move you.

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She certainly will! 😅

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May 13Liked by Kaitlin Curtice

I protest with my very being

Simply existing

In places where some are so sure

I Do Not Belong

I take up the space anyways

It is not that I do not hear their words

I hear them loud and clear

Like gongs demanding attention

They join a cacophony of voices

Already in my brain

You Do Not Belong

Those voice almost pulled me under

That confusing February afternoon

Convinced my very being

Hurt the ones I loved most dear

I know now what I didn't know then:

That day was a beginning,

not an end

The start of a journey to discover

I Have Dignity

By virtue of my very being

It is my birthright

To take up space is an act of protest

Against those voices

Within and without

Perhaps that is why

it makes me so angry

To see bad actors

dehumanize others

How dare they, I say

If anyone

gets to dehumanize anyone

I get to do it to myself

But since I cannot

Because I Belong

Then neither, my friend, can you


A necessary postscript: you, too, Belong. If you are in crisis, please call 988

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These words resonate with me, Katie: I Have Dignity

By virtue of my very being

It is my birthright

To take up space is an act of protest

Against those voices

Within and without

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I'm so glad, Bruce. Those words are a learning- in -process for me still!

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Grateful for your taking up space in the world, and here.

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Thank you ❤️

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May 13Liked by Kaitlin Curtice

the lady doth protest too much, methinks

doth me? thinks?

not so much


even so

it is long past due

to protest fully enough

to bring about





and lives made authentic

through the cut and thrust

of human and humane exchange

reciprocal living

continual giving

instinctual grinning

perpetual singing

rituals bringing about

all the Earth

--and Her beloved creatures--

yearns for


the Lady, our Great Mother,

doth testify



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Who else will speak up if I don't? Remaining silent is not an option!

We are all one humanity so what happens to one of us, happens to us all.

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I love this, bob. The lady "doth testify just right," indeed.

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Yes, Bob, “just right”.

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Protest happens for me in quiet ways

not with placards, chants and marching.

I honor deeply those who carry the torch

it’s a crucial charge, a mission for reform

For me the motion is inward into the chasm.

Finding inside where tyranny persists in me.

How I oppress, suppress, and dominate.

For how can I demand outer transformation

if I am living an unexamined life.


I look to what I am for, to what I love

then find in me what gets in the way.

As I open to a collaborative way of being

the ripples of this begin to flow outward.

A grass roots protest that isn’t about

tearing down hierarchal forms from the top

then placing someone new in power.

No, it’s letting mycelial tendrils of inner evolution

eat away at the foundation beneath it all.

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May it be so! Amen!

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God of Apocalypse, God of Revelation,

God of the New Creation, two thousand years ago

you gave us a template for prophetic resistance

to oppression. Inspire in us the poetry

that will reveal You to this generation,

because we keep comforting the comfortable

and afflicting the afflicted.

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“we keep comforting the comfortable

and afflicting the afflicted.” God of mercy, help us to stop this.

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Amen, Bruce. Amen.

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Such rich words full of thought seeds Kaitlin. Thank you 🙏

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Until I speak I cannot join humanity's journey for solutions to peace and harmony.

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May 13Liked by Kaitlin Curtice

Great word for a Monday morning. Love your poem as always. Thank you for sharing

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May 13Liked by Kaitlin Curtice

Yes Kaitlin! “…a sacred point of contact

between what is and

what should belovedly be.” Yes! That’s it sacred and belovedly reverberate accurately in my heart!

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May 13Liked by Kaitlin Curtice

Oh Kaitlin 💜 'a sacred point of contact' - yes! I love this so much, and it will help me with my own activism at this moment in time. Thank you.

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I love this, Rachel…especially “Together.”

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This is splendid, Rachel and perfectly appropriate for these times!

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