This entire post made me smile. But, the pictures of the writing inside the jungle gym brought a tear to my eye.
Kids are so wise. Why doesn't everyone see that? Why doesn't the annoying relative at family dinners or during the holidays, who obviously doesn't really care much for little ones, and says something like, "yeah yeah, kid... move over." get it? Kids have so much to say. Yes, sometimes it may be a bit too much, but if you listen well enough, you'll hear worth.
I say we all thrive to be this kid with the hidden message. I say we share their message out loud to anyone, and often. I say I don't want to grow up if it means not being this thoughtful. Thank you for being that thoughtful, Kaitlin.
This entire post made me smile. But, the pictures of the writing inside the jungle gym brought a tear to my eye.
Kids are so wise. Why doesn't everyone see that? Why doesn't the annoying relative at family dinners or during the holidays, who obviously doesn't really care much for little ones, and says something like, "yeah yeah, kid... move over." get it? Kids have so much to say. Yes, sometimes it may be a bit too much, but if you listen well enough, you'll hear worth.
I say we all thrive to be this kid with the hidden message. I say we share their message out loud to anyone, and often. I say I don't want to grow up if it means not being this thoughtful. Thank you for being that thoughtful, Kaitlin.
#6: don't be a "don't bee" (< 8 yrs) = don't be a butthead (8-16 yrs) = don't be a asshole (17 & up)