Safety net.

Safety pin.

Safety comes

From within.

Am I being

Good to me?

Speaking truth


Knowing when

To pause - to hold.

Other times

Brave and bold.

The pin can keep

It all together.

Wrapped up tight -

Fit to weather.

It can also pierce -

Deflate -

Boundaries not so


I catch glimpses -

Not there yet -

I am my own

Safety net.

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Yes, I am my own safety net

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Remembering that

"safety dance" song.

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Ah, missed opportunity here Chuck!

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This is wonderful, Sarah. You do an amazing job of rhyming and cadence and matching end and beginning.

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As always, thank you for your encouragement Larry 😊

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You are very welcome!

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The house is quiet, never silent

With the a/c cranking on

And the fridge humming it’s night song

Like a jukebox to the ghosts

Of diners around our kitchen table.

The house is quiet, never silent

With our daughter muttering words

In her sleep like subtitles

To her wandering dreams.

The house is quiet, never silent

To the dregs of today’s worries,

But we are all tucked in bed

With side lamps and chapter books

And cups of water, like the children

We are. Like a child should be.

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"Like subtitles to get wandering dreams"-- brilliant!

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Chapter books......🙂

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This is beautiful!

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This is a beautiful poem, A.M.

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Above the paper house

of my imagined life,

the shadow

of a giant hand floats.

I dream, hope, and pray

that its goal

is my protection;

that it’ll shelter me

from life’s storms,

secure me in turbulent times,

and deflect the day’s debris.

When I look beyond

my neighborhood,

I notice the hand

is often absent.

As I ponder those neighbors

who live largely unsheltered,

I ask, “Why aren’t

they protected, and

whose hand

will give them safety?”

As I sit in silence,

a voice echoes an answer,

“Your hand

is what they need.”

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Need some good batman sound words to go with that last line.


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This is really nice, Todd. It conjures up for me a John Hiatt song from years ago, "Through Your Hands."

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Beautiful song, Larry. Thank you for sending me in that direction.

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Todd, you are welcome. David Crosby has a nice cover of it, too.

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"Don't look for a safe man," they said.

"Safe = boring = wimpy = effeminate--

You want a man who scares you.

You want a man who's delightfully dangerous."

I ignored them.

I married you

With your soft words

And your gentle laugh

And your way of looking at me across a room with a smile that says, I've got you.

When I curl up in your arms

I feel the primal safety of an animal in its burrow,

Safe from the teeth of the predator.

I am safe

I am warm

I am home.


[Inspired by the terrible books about ""biblical masculinity and femininity"" I read as a teenager]

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I love this. I married a safe one, too. 🥰

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This is beautiful, Lisa. Here's to safety and security to the good, the gentle, the soft!

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God of the Silent and Silenced,

God Who Sees Our Pain,

God who lifted Elizabeth from disgrace

and invited the eunuch in — yours is the Womb

from which all liberation is born.

Protect those whose bodies

are made into battlefields,

because all our bodies are Yours.

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Very nice, January.

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The imagery in this is so striking! Particularly bodies as battlefields.

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We all got the bright orange shoulder belt and its big heavy official looking metal badge to wear on post. Very kool.

But the coveted crosswalk duty

came with that red flag.

The hallowed talisman

and its mojo magic that could

turn an awkward & ordinary

run-of-the-mill fifth grader

into a powerful

bigger than life

car stopping wizard.

It was the envy of all the officers

in Mrs Donner's safety patrol squad that year.

Proud to serve.

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This made me smile!

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Nice, Chuck. A terrific ode to the Crossing Guards and the kids they protect!

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Is safety

the absence

of risk


and danger?

Or is it

the presence

of the support


and protection

which enable us

to live

our lives

to the full?

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This is sweet, Jane. I hope it is the latter!

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A wish,

or a plea,

for you and for me,

for the smallest flower

and the tallest tree,

for the flitting bird

and the buzzing bee,

from the crowded forest

to the open sea,

that we may be allowed

to breathe, rest, and be,

each respected in our

inherent dignity.

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Awh, this is perfect 🥰

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This is lovely, A. I love the cadence and the sweet and creative rhymes. This poem seems the seed for a children's book!

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I love your words, Kaitlin. May it be so. My poem went cynical:

Safety is a joke,

an illusion that we smoke.

universe is broke.

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The stanza with "Safety was never meant to be earned," particularly the "WAS IT?" really got me. There is so much emotion packed into so few words!

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Kaitlin, WOW your poem today moved me very deeply. I was right there with you with every word. "And yet, we treat it (safety) like something the privileged have sacrificed for," This is sooo true! And then, "like the families we’ve lost again and again to the chains of colonialism haven’t sacrificed for it, ached for it, longed for it, died in search of it." Again truth! We have such a call in our world for balance right now on so many levels. And even those words I just expresses don't even begin to express what is needed.

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My legs are beginning to shake.

What if this was a mistake?

Even the safety net doesn’t feel safe.

There are holes in it

And it’s far away!

My dreams are BIG!

Has it even been tested?

Will it hold the weight?

Am I strong enough to wait

Until the path appears?

It’s vulnerable out here

Weathering storm after storm

Fighting the urge to perform

To be as expected, fit the norm.

I’m not feeling brave anymore.

What was I thinking

Coming all the way out here

Trying to achieve my dreams

As just me?

Without wings?

Without an escape?

It is not safe.

But neither was my cage.

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In my 50 years of life,

I have been at times





Even terrified

But in all of that time,

I have been merely

A phone call

A car ride

An email

A text message

A conversation

Away from






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Amen to this, Karri!

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I had written a poem about kayaking on the ocean and paddling to safe harbor. Then a note from a friend came to me and this poem emerged. It pertains to three bills passed today in our New Hampshire legislature, where our state motto is "Live Free or Die."


Quiet spring day, respite from the rains,

a rest day, a day to feel safe in life’s beautiful embrace.

my friend’s note cuts the serenity and screams aloud,

the extremists passing as legislators have taken more rights away.

This time from Trans and Queer folk,

who have spent their lives dodging the raindrops of hate

that can fall on them every day.

Terms like “objectional content” and “safe spaces”

“safety for our children,” bandied about;

Though my sense is they are speaking of their children.

our children feel quite safe in an inclusive, open and

rights centered world.


More unsafe spaces created today

for our kindreds who only want to be safe

and to be who they are, openly and without fear.


It is time to “Yell Fire.”

sound all alarms, beat the drums

for all kindhearted to hear.

Our “Live Free or Die” motto,

always drenched in irony,

now basks in a stew of absurdity.

Our freedom here comes with stipulations,

and will apply to less and less as time goes on,

as zealotry, fear, exclusion and rabbit holes

rule the day in the halls of power.


Our boats are in the harbor,

our bodies pressed like chains across a darkening door;

Take shelter, dear ones,

we are ready to sail to safety,

right by your side.

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It is time to yell fire, yes!

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I am so saddened by the actions of our State legislature.

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Kaitlin...you covered the bases and more...hard to top this...change comes through your words that help us dream of a better world...

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