We made it. What a long, beautiful, tender, exhausting, glorious month it’s been.
Thank you for joining me here, whether you wrote poetry, read it, held it, asked what it means, however you engaged in this space, thank you.
I’ve been reflecting a lot this morning on what it means to be a writer, why I do it. I’ve always needed words, they’ve always been a companion to me when it felt like I didn’t even have human companions.
Words and stories are guides, living breathing friends who accompany us on this journey. I hope you feel that.
We end this month with the word rejuvenation, which I think is a beautiful word to send us off into June.
Rejuvenation is about giving new life or energy to something, to restore something (or someone) to the characteristics of a younger landscape
Poetry rejuvenates us, brings us to life, reminds us of our humanity. I can’t wait to read your poems!
I was rejuvenated that day
in my therapist’s office,
the day we spoke of my
younger self and in my mind
I gave her a hug. There, that
day I came back to life, back to
a life I’d never known before,
back home to myself. I began
to heal, realizing that the ways
in which I’ve always cared for myself,
the ways she’s always cared for me,
actually got me here, got me to this
moment and this appreciation,
got me through all the hell and all the shit.
That day I turned back to myself, to her,
and said I was sorry, and said I loved her,
and said I loved me, and found new life
in the reunion, in the exchange of
pain and fracture for rejuvenation, for a
chance at a different kind of living, at a
chance for a different kind of thriving.
I am rejuvenated when I remember
what it means to be young, what it means
to love and care, to practice curiosity and
never be ashamed to say what hurts.
A better world is a world where we all
find them, our young selves, and thank them
for caring for us, for carrying wisdom in their
bodies and in their souls, and for bringing us
back home when we didn’t even know how much
we had been longing for it in the first place.
May's poetic works
Rejuvenation station
Kaitlin's gift to all
Thank you for this space as I journey to reclaim my own creative self as a writer, a part and dream of my younger self lost to expectations. This space has been rejuvenating, divine intervention, and has had such a profound impact on me 💗
Words carry me
through a wordless journey
where every thing
is connected
My inner Self, so many parts
takes shape out on the page
From this different vantage point
I can see my whole
a part of creation
I’m restored