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thoughts on the in-between
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Friends, I hope you’re having a lovely weekend.
We only have 10 more days of poetry writing together, can you believe it?! I’m so grateful, again, to all of you for being here, for jumping in from wherever you are to read or write, to ask what poetry means to us.
Before we head into our poetry, I wanted to share one quick word about the mini-retreats I’m hosting in June on the 8th and the 10th! We had our first retreat this last week, and it was really beautiful, a time to gather in with hot tea, coffee, a blanket, a candle, and a journal, and spend time with ourselves and one another for an hour and a half.
We journaled, broke into groups for a few minutes, spent some time in our own imaginations, and yes, wrote poetry. If you’d like to join me and Krissy Kludt for one of the next dates, please check it all out right here.
Please note that today, Sunday, is the last day to order the optional care package for the June dates. So grab yours now!
Today’s word is magic, and it’s a word I really love. I’m so curious to learn what it means to you.
Magic was an evil word,
a lot like the words
Magic was
the opposite of
God and those
who practiced it
or even saw it
were evil, too.
How funny, now
that I see,
magic has always
been there, guiding me,
and perhaps my own
ancestors knew it
before they had words
for Mamogosnan or
Segmekwe or
Kche Mnedo or
so much more.
Magic was the essence,
the spirit,
the good,
the beautiful,
and it still is,
in and around us,
surviving and teaching
us to stay curious
and to look for the glory
wherever we can find it.
Magic wasn’t ever evil,
but the bubbles and
prisons we created
around ourselves
to block our own
souls off from the world
kept us trapped
and unable.
Now, we learn to
be expansive.
Now, we learn
to fly.
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By Kaitlin Curtice · Hundreds of paid subscribers
thoughts on the in-between
You've all brought me to tears today as I read your comments and the way you're supporting and uplifting one another. This sweet community gives me hope for the future.
Time frozen,
Hearts full,
The magic of,
An evening with friends.