I think I can officially say happy holidays!
For all of us, there is so much going on during the holiday season, so I just want to take a second to thank you for being here with me, and to share an exciting holiday update with you.
Sign up to become a paid subscriber and you’ll get 20% off for an entire year! I love this space. I love sharing my poetry and essays with you; I love looking at books I enjoy with you, sharing thoughts and ideas on rituals through the podcast, and so much more.
The paid space is just a step further, where you’re committing to supporting my work on a monthly or yearly basis. Being an author takes up emotional, mental, physical and spiritual energy, and at the end of the day, we still have to pay the bills.
If you’d like to be part of my care and sustainability, please consider becoming a paid subscriber, and take advantage of this added bonus!
What’s happening over on the paid subscriber space?
Right now, we have a series called Questions with Kait, where I’m answering subscriber questions about the writing life. We are only 2 questions in, so there’s plenty of time to join us and read past questions and responses.
In the coming months, paid subscribers will get extra insight into my writing life and exciting news about my upcoming book, Living Resistance: An Indigenous Vision for Seeking Wholeness Every Day. You won’t want to miss it!
Conversation threads on upcoming series, books we’re loving, and more!
Again, this holiday special will only last through January 5th, so grab a paid subscription soon!
If you’re feeling extra festive, you can also gift a subscription to someone you love. Know anyone who could use this liminal space? Know an emerging writer who might benefit from what I’ve learned in my own journey? Give a subscription to them by clicking the button below:
Sending you all love and care this holiday season.
Thanks for all the love you’ve shared with me along the way.