Hello friends!
Happy Holidays!
Happy Solstice!
Almost-Happy New Year!
Winter is coming. It is the time of slowing down, of storytelling, of incubation and dreaming about what’s to come in the Spring, what’s to come in future days.
Today I’m sharing with you a short written ritual—this one won’t be a podcast because I just spent the last 3 days recording the audio for my upcoming book, Living Resistance: An Indigenous Vision for Seeking Wholeness Every Day! So, my voice is a little tired. :)
Here are a few photos of me in the studio:
I can’t wait to share more about the book with you in 2023! In the meantime, I hope this short ritual helps you hold space for yourself.
Recently I shared these words on Instagram:
Be grateful for who you’ve been and expectant for who you’re becoming.
It’s no small thing, really, because we are constantly not only judging ourselves, but others, too. We are judging their actions and intentions, because we are constantly judging our own.
The end of 2022 is coming, and I’m not really one to make a huge list of resolutions. I used to be! I definitely used to be.
But I’ve learned to slow down and ask more questions of myself as I’ve gotten older. I may not need another checklist. I may need patience and introspection. I may need a dream to hold onto instead of a thing to do.
So, I thought I’d offer us a little ritual that honors all of who we’ve been, who we are now, and who we are becoming.
First, let’s honor who we’ve been. Who have you been this year?
I’ve been patient when I wanted to rush things; I’ve been honest about my struggles; I’ve been afraid but working to face those fears.
Now, your turn. Name 4 things you’ve been:
I have been _____________.
I have been ______________.
I have been _____________.
I have been ______________.
Honor who you’ve been, even if that being felt like failure or struggle. Honor yourself along the way.
Now, let’s focus on who we are today. Who are you today? What are you holding as we close out 2022 and lean into the coming of winter and introspection?
Today, I’m learning how to trust the journey instead of forcing it. Today, I’m acknowledging grief but celebrating the good stuff.
What do you hold today? Name those 4 things.
Today I am _______________.
Today I am _______________.
Today I am _______________.
Today I am _______________.
Now take a deep breath, and be okay with the reality that who you are today isn’t who you’ve been or who you will be. The things we are today may be totally fleeting, or may last only a certain season. That’s okay, too.
Now, let’s ask who we are becoming. Dream big here! Make space! Commit to holding that space inside yourself in the coming weeks.
I’m becoming a fuller version of myself when I choose healthy boundaries; I’m becoming stronger when I ask big questions and lean into the journey.
So, name 4 things you’re becoming, hoping to become.
I am becoming _______________.
I am becoming _______________.
I am becoming _______________.
I am becoming _______________.
Thank you so much, Kaitlin. I’m doing this in my birthday morning and the timing couldn’t be better. A happy Solstice to you, too.