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thoughts on the in-between
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I find it quite miraculous that
I wake up every morning,
find a way to make the coffee,
get the kids to school,
settle into a good book,
get any work done,
attempt to eat healthy,
take a nap or work a little more,
make it back to school for pickup,
and keep going til bedtime.
The miracle is in the living,
it seems, even when I don’t
really notice
that every single moment
is a gem, like nothing
before it and nothing after it.
Every single moment is
a damn miracle in itself.
How could I have
ever doubted,
and how could I ever
deny the miraculous
I’ll wake up tomorrow
and have forgotten,
and will
eventually find my way back
to this very poem,
back to my very life,
back to my very breath,
to the very miracle
that reminds me who I am
and who I want to be.
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By Kaitlin Curtice · Hundreds of paid subscribers
thoughts on the in-between
I’ve been mentally blocked for weeks.
The air stagnant above the oven
as I wait for everything
bagels to prove a second time,
keeping hands busy keeps panic busy
creating scenarios of what I will do
when the writing returns.
Maybe I’ll eat with ink-dyed hands
instead of blank pages.
Maybe, by some miracle,
I won’t have any time
to bake at all.
Who Gets the Miracle?
It’s a miracle they say.
The treatment healed the scans revealed
All traces of cancer are gone.
It’s a miracle they say.
Despite the wreckage they walked away
From the accident without harm.
But what of those I say
Whose disease consumes their bodies
That fade before their loved ones eyes?
What of those I say
Who don’t survive the accident
And leave this world without goodbyes?
Were they unworthy, did they not pray?
Was God fresh out of miracles that day?
If I were in charge of miracles,
I’d hand them out more freely.
So that everyone got their miracle
Of love or life or healing.
Karri Temple Brackett
May 22, 2023