Day 21: SPACE
I’ve always been frustrated
by those alien movies
that make it seem
we are the normal ones.
Space is all-encompassing,
worlds upon worlds,
galaxies upon galaxies,
and here we are
on this dot of a planet
thinking we run it all—
a true colonizer’s mindset
if there ever was one.
Instead, I like to think of
us as the aliens,
the odd ones,
hanging around a tiny,
strange planet, waiting
for the right moment
to invade another.
When they think of us,
with our skin and our two eyes,
with our wrinkles and
our strange laughter,
maybe they’re glad
space separates us,
at least for now.
Maybe they’re grateful
we don’t exist
in the same orbit.
Maybe they make movies
about us invading,
taking up all that
Last week I heard on NPR
A sound clip of
Two Black Holes colliding
If I think about Space too much
My mind hurts
I cannot process that level of vastness
One day I want to see the Milky Way
Like you see it on Instagram #nofilter
I hope the Great Beyond will be something like that….
The final frontier.
Maybe it isn’t outer
Maybe it is inner